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TITLE: Beautiful (#18)
WORD COUNT: 1700+ (what? How did that happen?)
SUMMARY: Niall doesn’t think he is beautiful and Harry is upset about that. (Based loosely off ‘Beautiful’ by Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Justin Bieber)
WARNING(s): an overly-adorable Niall
AUTHOR'S NOTE: To the anon that requested three narry one shots, one of the songs is actually one of the mix tapes from Jabbawockeez’s dance on America’s Best Dance Crew, so I couldn’t write a one shot about that. The other one shot should be posted after this one though!

P.S.: Like the last one shot ('Nothing Like Us'), this was originally posted on tumblr (my tumblr url in the external link), but I decided to put it up here. 


Niall frowns as he scans his body in the full-length mirror. He and the lads have dinner with their parents tonight, so they all want to look their best. He was passing by the mirror in Harry’s bedroom (he was helping Niall decide what to wear), with the light blue, denim shirt he was going to wear unbuttoned, when he noticed his scrawny body.

He trails his fingers down his chest to his stomach, and his frown deepens. Sure, he’s ben working out lately, but he hasn’t really noticed any change in his body. Well, there was that day that he did take the break from his normal running routine with Harry. But then Harry did a really cute face where he pouted his lips and forced his eyes to water, and Niall really wanted to say no, but he couldn’t, so he just decided to ride the Segway so Harry had some company.

His eyes fall upon his face in the mirror, and he feels like crying. Why isn’t he as perfect as the fans call him? Sure, it’s nice that they think that, but he doesn’t think he could ever think it himself.

There’s always a light red or pink shading Niall’s cheeks, and sometimes Niall doesn’t mind it, but majority of the time he hates it. His chin has a dimple, and Niall can’t help but feel jealous of Harry because he has two perfect dimples beside his oh-so-kissable lips, whereas Niall has one ugly one below his rough and chapped up lips.

His favourite feature is his eye colour, but then again, he hates the shape of his eyes. They’re nothing like Zayn’s beautifully shaped ones, and he doesn’t have a perfectly structured jawline like any of the other lads.

Niall doesn’t have nice cheekbones like Louis or beautiful abs like Liam. His biceps are all right, but they’re nothing compared to Louis’. Then there are his hands. Harry has huge hands that everyone loves, but Niall has uneven nails (which he can blame on years of biting them) and rough palms. He bets any money Harry’s hands feel softer than Lux’s bottom.

His legs. Ugh, he hates his legs. They’re scrawny and ugly and he could never pull off skinny jeans the way Harry does. Everything is perfect on Harry, and Niall wishes he were Harry sometimes. But at the same time, he doesn’t want to be Harry because he wants to be with Harry.

“Niall, you fini-“ Harry cuts himself off as he enters his bedroom when he notices the frown on Niall’s face. “What’s wrong, Ni?”

Niall sighs and drops his hands from his body. “Nothing.” He lies, even though he knows Harry will see right through it.

“You’re lying.” Harry walks over to stand behind Niall, looking at him through the mirror. His heart cracks at the look on Niall’s face; pure sadness. “What’s on your mind?”

“It’s just…” Niall takes a breath, “look at me, Haz! I’m nothing like the fans say.”

Harry frowns. “You don’t have to be what the fans want.”

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