Hold Tight

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TITLE: Hold Tight


SUMMARY: He didn’t think it’d happen again, but it did. He got nervous and began to feel sick in his stomach and feels stupid because it’s like that moment on X Factor all over again. | Based off the time Niall comforted Harry on X Factor when he was feeling sick during rehearsal, except in late 2014 time.


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Title from Justin Bieber’s Hold Tight (which is also really relevant because at the beginning he says, “Happy birthday,” and it’s Harry’s birthday today. 

{Birthday gift for you all, just because it’s Harry’s birthday today.}


Niall’s in the bathroom when Harry begins to feel sick.

The last time he was this nervous over a performance was on X Factor when they were rehearsing and he just began to feel really sick. He had cried and felt like vomiting, but luckily Niall was there to comfort him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

He’s not usually the type of person to get nervous because he’s generally a confident person, so the sudden churning in his stomach and the clogging up in his throat bewilders him. And the only person that can give him the comfort he needs is taking a piss.

“What’s wrong, Haz?” Zayn asks to the left of him.

“’M just feeling really sick all of a sudden,” he mumbles, squeezing his eyes shut to prevent him from crying. “I can’t do this right now.”

He really just can’t hit the note near the end of Midnight Memories. His throat is sore from trying and his diaphragm is hurting and his stomach is aching from the pressure.

And the fact that there are so many crewmembers around watching him makes him feel even more nauseous. He’s used to there being so many people around him and having cameras on him, but when he’s in this type of mood all he really wants is for everyone to leave him alone, except for a special blonde that likes to wear snapbacks and singlets that show his nipples.

“Come on, Harry. Your nerves are just taking over. You’re going to do fine,” Liam says, trying his best to comfort him, although he knows it won’t work.

“I want Niall,” he whines helplessly. He covers his face with his left hand and hands his microphone to whoever is standing to the right of him.

People keep touching him but he knows none of them are the people he want to touch him because they don’t have calloused fingers and an Irish accent.

Footsteps are heard before Louis is murmuring, “He’s asking for you.”

“Harry?” Niall says softly. “Are you alright?”

Harry shakes his head because no, he is most definitely not all right and he just wants Niall to hug him and tell him he’ll do great. He wants to just go back to their dressing room with Niall and kiss and cuddle him until he has calmed down and fallen asleep safely in the blonde’s arms.

“’M sick,” he deadpans.

“No, you’re not,” Niall says sternly, and finally, Harry feels himself being wrapped up in Niall’s arms. He keeps one hand covering his face while his other arm wraps around Niall’s lithe body, his head resting on the blonde’s shoulder. “You’re not sick and you know it, Harry. You’re just nervous and you think you’re not good enough because you can’t hit a note.”

Harry chuckles dryly. Of course Niall knows how he’s truly feeling when he doesn’t even know. “I can’t hit it, Niall.”

“You just don’t believe you can.” Niall’s whispering now, so low that only Harry can hear.

The curly haired boy feels his friends running their hands through his curls and patting his shoulders, but the only thing he pays attention to is the Irish accent in his ear and the hand rubbing up and down his back comfortingly.

“Do you believe I can?” Harry whispers back.

“Of course I do, babe. You’re such an amazing singer and you just need to believe in yourself. Zayn believes in you, Louis believes in you and Liam does too.” He pauses to kiss his mop of curls before whispering, “I believe in you.”

Harry’s stopped crying now, dry tear tracks left behind on his cheeks. Niall always knows what to say to him when he is feeling like this. He knows how to make him stop crying.

“We’re taking a break,” Niall announces, pulling out of the hug.

The brunette finally uncovers his face and allows the blonde to pull him across the stage and down the stairs. People object and tell him they need to practise for tonight, but Niall just waves them off.

“He needs to rest his voice, is what he needs,” Niall snaps back. “If he keeps trying too hard he can cause damage.”

“Let him have a break,” Louis says to everyone. “Leave them alone.”

Niall shoots Louis a grateful smile before finally dragging Harry into their dressing room, sitting him on the couch. Harry sits there quietly, sniffling a little, while Niall wets a cloth in the bathroom. He returns with it and kneels in front of Harry.

“Hey, baby,” he says, smiling.

While Niall dabs at Harry’s face with the wet cloth, Harry takes in all of Niall. Not only is he beautiful on the inside, but the outside of the Irishman is beautiful too.

Every single one of his features is the perfect shape and size for his face, from his chin dimple to his eyebrows. His eyes are not only the perfect shape and size, but also the perfect shade of blue – a blue so beautiful that it cannot be described, with little flakes of gold around his pupils.

“Not feeling it today, are ya?” Niall asks kindly. Harry gets glimpses of his white teeth when he smiles a little, a perfect little smile that has Harry’s heart fluttering.

“I guess.” Harry’s voice is hoarse and his throat is dry.

Niall must realise this because he gets up and retrieves a glass of water for his boyfriend. Harry takes three large gulps from the glass before placing it on the arm of the lounge.

“You’re going to do amazing tonight, you know? Why don’t you think you can hit that note?”

Harry shrugs. “I know I can’t.”

“But you can. You’ve hit it every other night. You’ve hit that note a hundred and turdy-two times already.” Harry chuckles at the way his words come out. “What’s so funny?”

“Turdy-two,” Harry mocks, doing a perfect impersonation of Niall’s Irish accent.

Niall, too, snickers, rolling his eyes. He leans up and slots his lips between the others in a slow and lazy kiss. Harry melts, shutting his eyes tight, savouring the taste of Niall’s mouth.

Niall pulls away. “You’re going to do amazing, alright?”

Harry smiles and nods, murmuring, “Alright,” before putting his lips back to Niall’s.


That night, when Harry does hit the note perfectly, he glances over to Niall. The blonde is grinning proudly at him and shoots him a wink, causing Harry’s knees to go weak.

Harry doesn’t miss another note for the rest of the tour because he revels in seeing the proud smile on Niall’s face. He lives for that beautiful smile.

(And every time Niall does smile proudly at him, he falls in love with him all over again.)


AUTHOR’S NOTE: it wasn’t supposed to be as long as it is, but it is what it is, right?

{Happy 20th Birthday, Haz, you beautiful dork. xx}

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