Chapter 15: Free Them

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August 12, 2025; 1754 HRS

Crypt HQ; Appalachian Mountains

A loud crash came from Noah's cell. He had accidently broken the centrifuge. "You dog! One more screw up like that and I'll put you in chains!" Horkos yelled. "Horkos, he's human and under your control. He's bound to make mistakes." Chiron counseled his deranged ruler. 

"He's not human as long as he's under my control." Horkos growled.

Chief whined from his cage, picking up the shattered centrifuge. Horkos looked at him in disgust. "You owe me." He mumbled and turned around to face Chiron, who was still holding the syringe. "We are victims of circumstance, Horkos. He's a victim of you." Chiron argued vainly. "Just give me the medicine." Horkos grabbed at the syringe. 

Chiron stabbed it into Horkos' arm angrily, "Impatience gets you nowhere." Horkos suppressed a shout as the sharp metal needle pierced through the skin and to his veins. Chiron calmed down as he gently took out the needle and cleaned it. "So what did you say his name was?" he asked. Horkos laughed a little bit,  "Since he's a chief, why not keep the name."


August 13, 2025; 0328 HRS

Crypt HQ

Horkos stepped up to the monitor in his room. Pressing the code into it, he then set the alarm. Instantly, an annoying ring sounded through the underground cavern. All the members of Crypt gathered to the closest monitor they could find, and quickly too. He looked at the surveillance to make sure everyone was watching. Pressing the microphone, he began to speak. "Good morning, Crypt." He looked at the people, suppressing a smile, knowing soon the empty spaces among the people would be filled. 

"Today we strike, brothers and sisters! Today we free our own from the bonds of society, of those wretched people who think that they have power over us." Horkos said triumphantly into the microphone. The numerous crowds cheered excitedly. For in the crowds, were families and friends of those who were captured. "General Thanatos!" Horkos yelled. "Is leading the rescue mission! All who have been trained for this day, follow him. I will stay here with the others, to prepare for the welcoming of our people." The people rallied up joyously, others went to their rooms to prepare for a great feast. There were children there too, all blind to Horkos' dark ambitions. They ran and cheered. Excitement was obvious. 

 Horkos turned off the screen. They were breaking their members from the state prison in the town known only as Lockside. 

General Thanatos stepped in through Horkos' door. Horkos turned to him and stepped to him, somewhat menacingly. "Good luck, General. It's a great honor for you to lead this rescue." General Thanatus nearly stepped back in fear, but remained where he was. "If you fail me, Thanatos " Horkos paused, seeming to try and tame his anger. "We're going to see what becomes of you, and it won't be an accident." The General nodded, understandably frightened. 

Whenever a mission was failed, Horkos was known to douse a member of a mission in an unstable batch of Omnesium. It is a universal element, from Outer Space, it's volatile.Uncontrolled Omnesium is what turned Horkos and Chiron into what they are now. The Benefactors had the ability to be given a controlled batch, giving them the powers that were hard to discover by the scientists, such as Athena and Noah. Which led the research into Omnesium.

Suddenly, Lieutenant Brown shoved Horkos' door open. "Forgive me, my king." Brown bowed at his leader's feet. "Get up, Brown. What is it?" Horkos growled. Lieutenant Brown got up, he looked weary. His armor looked as if it was trash, his weapons, all gone. Brown took a deep breath, his neat black hair now matted to his head with sweat. He hadn't stopped his journey here since his encounter in Indiana. "Four people, they had powers. They seemed trained in combat and they took Colonel Link hostage, sir." 

Horkos seemed thoughtful at this, "Do you know where they took him?" he asked. Brown's eyes had confusion written all over them. "No I don't, sir. One of them grabbed a hold of him and literally vanished from sight within a second. We fought hard, Lord, we did. We couldn't beat them. I managed to delete all evidence pertaining to our first full-scale attack on the world. I got the rest of the group back single-handedly. They're in the medical with Chiron."

Horkos had an impressed look spread across his face. "Looks like Chief's prodigies are becoming quite the heroes. Kidnapping one of our best men and beating up people who trained since they could barely walk. Like they were a punching bags!" He laughed, a crazed hint gleaming in his eyes. His pupils dilated a little, his head starting to swim. General Thanatos and Lieutenant Brown backed away slowly trying to get out, but Horkus blocked the way. Horkus pounded the ground with his fists "I want those mutant freaks! I want them alive! So then, once Noah's able to comprehend what's going on around him, I'll turn each of them into a corpse."

Horkus slowly regained his balance, the fear of going crazy again, had passed. "General" He said as if he was a drunkard "rally the troops. Free as many of them as you can." The general nodded and stepped out. "And you," Horkus said, pointing at Brown. "You get to pay for your group's failure. You were assigned to keep a safe house in Indiana. You lost it. As well as delayed our project!"

Brown's eyes widened. "NO!" He yelled. "Please, sir, don't do this." he cried, beads of tears forming in his eyes. Horkos stared down at Brown "Guards! Take him to the Omnesium Vault."

Horkus laughed to himself as the guards carried Brown to his inevitable future. "Free them! They say. Oh, yes. They will be free."

>>>HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! Aw man, poor Brown. Had to do something with him to make the future of this book make more sense. Sorry this book is kinda crappy. Eh.<<<



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