Chapter 23: Oblivion

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I looked around me frantically, everything was black except for that one shining star. "Calm down" Came a sharp whisper, most likely from Cronus. I focused on the direction his voice came from and swung my arms, shoving him. "Where am I?" I hissed. I saw his movements flicker around as he got up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Peoples' reactions are just something I enjoy to watch."

I resisted the urge to punch him in the gut. "You're a freaking sicko." I spat. 

"Your reaction, however, is probably something I never want to provoke again." He rubbed his arm. 

"Where am I?" 

"I told you. You're in the oblivion."

"I... I'm in nowhere?"

"Precisely. You're in the realm between the dead and the living. Where the one true God created all things. Where nothing turned into something by his simple command."

"Tell me. If you worship God, how did humans come to worship you and the other Greek "gods" in the past?"

"Well during that time, we made the mistake of landing on your planet. We were ecstatic to find other forms of beings in the universe. Immediately, your ancestors showered us with their riches in complete awe of our abilities and strengths. We learned your language, your ways of life, and became settled on Mount Olympus and other areas on the globe. Years later, we had to leave. We received a message from God telling us to leave, or it would affect the beliefs of many of you. Of course, we never wanted to alter God's plans, we all know we couldn't even if we tried." 

"Random question," I hesitated, "is it true you ate all your kids except Zeus?"

"That's just an old wives' tale." I saw his eyes glint with irritation.

I didn't even try to stifle the laugh, it just came out. "Okay, okay." I breathed. "How do we come up with this stuff?" I asked rhetorically.

He stood there, obviously annoyed. "Are you done now?"

I snorted, suppressing another giggle. "Continue." I bit my lip, holding down a smile.

"You see that light up there?" He pointed to the star. I nodded. "That's the realm of the dead, heaven. And you see that light under us that's not as bright?"

I nodded again, looking down. "That's where you and every other living being goes. Very few ever get to come here, to oblivion. Now, we must get out of here. Anyone who stays here too long is sure to perish."

"How can something be in nothing? How are we even here?"

"Time-travel is something that gives you the power to go to the beginning and end of it. Time won't last forever. It hasn't been even been around before creation. Only a true master of time can ever reach oblivion, unless the master of time takes someone with them. Few are ever given the power to."

"Why am I here?" I asked him

"Must you ask so many questions?"

"Don't tell me it's something I have to figure out for myself." I mumbled. 

2002 HRS


He smiled and objects folded over each other again. "Back in the living realm. Athena told me to talk to you. That's normally the only way I can get people to believe I'm really Cronos. Onto another note, you and the others need to take down Crypt before its too late. They're bent on taking over the world."

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