Chapter 2

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To my surprise it was Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne industries. He was dressed in fully formal attire as well. I lowered my bat and a let go of my breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Mr.wayne may I ask why you are here at this hour?" Voiced with curiosity.

"You guys need to come with me" his stern voice spoke

"What do you mean it's 11:07 p.m. and too late to go anywhere." Nate interrupted.

"I need you guys to trust me. You aren't safe here. I was a close friend of your father you have to believe me."

"Where will we be going?" I asked.

"We will go to the Wayne manor. You don't have time to pack so just come as is."

Trusting this stranger that claimed to we were in danger, me and Nate followed Mr. Wayne. We didn't know what was happening. Why did Mr. Bruce Wayne come to our penthouse late at night and ask us to come to his home?

I'm probably really stupid for following a stranger, but he was my father's friend.

Fifteen minutes later we stepped out of Mr. Wayne's sports car. We have arrived at the Wayne manor and it would be pretty if it was cleaned up. Even though it wasn't well kept the architecture was beautiful. The front yard wasn't pretty at all. Weeds were prevalent throughout the dying grass. The flower beds had weed as well and dying flowers. The trees looked as if they were twisting in agony and mist seemed to surround the mansion. The manor almost looked like a house from a horror movie.

What am I doing? It was around 11:30 and I'm in the middle of no where in my PJs with a stranger that claims he's a friend. Ignoring my better judgement, I followed Mr. Wayne towards the front door. My brother followed closely behind me.

Before he knocked, a man in a butler uniform opened the door. "Hello Master Bruce, I have prepared the two rooms you have asked for."

"Thank you Alfred." Mr.Wayne turned around and ushered us in. "I know this is hard to believe,but you guys were in danger at the penthouse." He started.

"Wait, I don't understand. Why were we in danger." It makes no sense. We just arrived in Gotham, we couldn't make anyone hates us already.

"You and Nathan were targeted to be kidnapped for ransom I think. I am indebted to your father and I couldn't let you two get hurt. I can't really tell you how I know, but I do."

"I don't know. Mr. Wayne it all seems odd to me, but I will believe you only because you were my father's friend."

"I am truly sorry for your loss. Your father was my close friend and he was a kind and strong man. I am honored to finally meet both of you. And please call me Bruce." He ushered us in his home.

The inside was as grand as I suspected. The grand chandelier crystal light hung high above us. The marble floor made an intricate design that was very common for these types of houses. The stairs were right in the front dividing into pathways as it progresses. In the middle of the staircase was the Wayne coat of arms and below the shield was a picture of Bruce's family. The picture was faded and scratched with lots of dust on it, but if you look hard enough you can make out the figures. A women probably his late mother was sitting in a chair. She was beautiful with her chocolate hair and porcelain skin. Bruce's father stood behind the chair emitting authority and strength. He looked like a determined and protective man and from the what I have heard he was. Bruce was next to his mother with the brightest smile I have ever seen on his face. Bruce was so cute when he was a kid. His eyes were filled with happiness back then, but now it's filled with something else. His eyes were filled with guilt, sadness, and anger. All of the things I felt after my father died. Even though Bruce changed he was "so cute..." My voice accidentally said out loud.

Bruce cleared his throat interrupted my thoughts and me staying at the painting. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Would you like to eat now or go to sleep." Bruce said ignoring my comment.

"I think I'll just go to sleep" I meekly responded
" I will too" my brother repeated and we both went to our rooms that Alfred showed us.
"Great going Sis. You made Bruce pissed at you."
My brother was right that was rude of me to space out and bring up Bruce's past. I have heard it was hard for him and he inherited his father's company at a young age as well.
"Shut up Nate" I said entering my room.

Me and my brother's room was right next to each other. My room was spacious and kind of dirty. There was white blankets covering the furniture of the room. What is with this house and it being so unused. Why is there only one servant too. The rich usually have more than one. Removing the blanket off the bed, I cleared the dust and other things off the bed so I can sleep better.

My body and mind are so tired. I have been through a long couple of weeks. They have been horrible and tiring. I just can't seem to get how much similarities me and Bruce have. We both have lost so much, but we are stronger because of this experience.

I saw just staring at the ceiling watching the fan going in circles. Watching the same wheel rotate over and over. I hear the rain starting to pour down and thunder booming every so often. I was glad that we weren't caught up in the rain. Just I was about to drift to sleep I heard my brother's voice call out.
"Em could I sleep with you" His fragile voice pleaded. He was trying to come up with an excuse to sleep with me. Holding my giggle I motioned him to lay next to me.

Once he was in bed I rapped my arms around him and we both snuggled together. We held each other close probably because we were the only people we had left to trust. We were both scared and left alone. "I'm scared Emory" his voice trembled. "I am too." I held him tighter. With that I began to softly hum a tone that our mother used to sing for us. Slowly and delicately I tried to match her voice. I did so until Nate fell asleep. I watched Nate sleep peacefully and it brought a smile to my face. He was so innocent and cute and I wanted to protect that. I wanted to protect him from all the evils. I know what I must do and I will always be there for my little brother. I slowly closed my eyes inviting the darkness hoping that I will be able to see the light again.

Emory Pierce (Young Justice fan fiction)(Dick Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now