Chpater 5

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"First stop is this cute café in Midtown"
We were currently strolling the streets of uptown as Alfred dropped us off. Alfred pushed us to drive around the city with him, but Grayson couldn't agree. Grayson can be quite persuasive when he wants to be.

"So let's start with the central island of Gotham" he continued. " Gotham has three sections on the island: Uptown, Midtown, and Downtown."

"And let me guess" I interrupted " Uptown is filled with the rich, Mid is filled with the middle class, and downtown is the city business and poorer."

"Look at you, so smart" he laughed "no wonder they say you're so smart" his sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Shut up" I said shortly. Though my facial expressions were different from my tone. It's been a while since I had fun and Grayson's playful demeanor was fun to be around.

We soon came to the café, and Grayson was right. The outside was covered in floral designs and the building itself was emerged in vines and root that made the place look fresh and natural. The inside was just as nice; once I walked in I was hit with the fresh scent of coffee, vanilla, and a touch of cinnamon.

"Ay, who do we have here" a giant dark skinned personnel greeted us. "Hey Brian, how you been?" Dick replied.

"Eh, business as usual, but you would already know. You practically come here everyday." He joining said as Grayson and Brian did their unique handshake. " best coffee for the best person in this city" Dick smugly said. " cocky as ever I see" Brian replied enjoying the conversation.

"Anyways, meet my..friend Emory. She is staying with me and Bruce for awhile." I awkwardly waived to him and went to give him a handshake but was engulfed in a bro hug. " any friend of this brat, is a friend of mine."

"Please follow me, I'll seat you guys at the best spot." Dick followed his close friend as I slowly dragged behind, trying to focus on something else than dick's shoulders and back when he walks.

"So what brings you to Gotham" Brian asked as we took a seat. " business" I meekly replied unsure if I should elaborate. "Oh cool, you working on the Pierce Project that is new in town."

"Yeah" dick interrupted " Emory Pierce has to oversee it." Brian's jaw went slack as he heard dick say my name. "THE EMORY are practically royalty how did I not recognize you. I am so sorry let me get you out special pastry and coffee on the house." Brian apologized embarrassingly. "No it's alright, you don't need..."
"Oh no I must" and with that Brian left and come back with his promise.
"Now you two enjoy your date" Brian swiftly said and went to serve another customer.
"We're not..." I attempted but gave up in the end.

"Brian's...nice" I said after a moment of silence. Dick broke out in laughter. His melodious giggles were contagious and alluring. "Brian is nice and weird, part of the reason why we are really good friends"

"Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it after everything that is going on." I say as I looked down at the hot untouched coffee and half eaten pastry slice. "Hey no prob, anything for you princess." Grayson winked playful. I on the other hand turned to glare at him for calling me princess.
"Hey it was a joke, but hurry up we still need to see the rest of the city."

The rest of the day me and dick travelled on throughout the city. We went to go see some of dick's friends and places he liked to hang out at. We also saw key parts of the city like city hall, good food places, and even the distant Wayne Tower. Me and Grayson ended up in a huge mall in Uptown. I had so much fun and spending time with Grayson felt really nice. I felt cautious of my growing relationship with the person I thought would hate. I had to remind myself that we were just friends over and over, because I didn't want to be another one of his conquests. No I have already heard too much from his habits and needed to be wary of his charm.

I was snapped out of my internal conflict as I slapped in to Grayson's chest again. "Wow, you even hit on me when you can see me."
"Shut it, I was just thinking about something else." After I recovered we ate some snack at the food court and was walking toward the exit. "We should go back" dick said and I was about to agree until four armed men busted in the front of the mall's doors.

Dick quickly reacted and pushed me behind him. The armed men shoot a couple of rounds in the air to the get attention and reek havoc. Dick grabbed my hand and we sprinted towards an alternate exit but it was pointless. More armed villains showed up and they rounded up most of the shoppers in the food court. Me and dick humbly follows our captors, trying to blend in with the crowd of hostages.

A girl with beach blond hair, dark red lipstick, and caked makeup that made her look as white as paper came to the front. Her face was unrecognizable and her body wore a long clown suit. She giggled loudly as if she won a prize. "Listen up you maggots" the girl said in a high happy voice that sounded anything but good. "My baby, The Joker will be coming by soon. We got information about certain someone we gotta find isn't that right muscle" she asked the robber to her right.

He didn't realize the woman was talking to him until she repeated her question. "...yes Quin you're right" though his response was typical Quin reacted in outlandish manner. She pulled out an oversized gun and shot the muscle in the leg. "You don't call me that, my name is Harley Quin or Mrs. Joker." She screamed while she shot repeatedly. The man continued to cry out as his teammates around him looked away. I shivered into Gray's grasp, scared that we would experience that pain next.

"Now look" Harley Quin said in a slightly serious tone "you got my outfit dirty, you silly" she ripped the dry part of the dead body's shirt to wipe away the splattered blood on her clown suit.

I looked away from the repulsive scene before me. All I wanted to do was run as fast as I can from here and go back to the manor. Tears accumulated at my lashes threatening to be unleashed. The panic in my chest started to grow until it was capped and then dimmed. Grayson held me from behind and whispered "don't worry, I won't let them near you." He said it with so much conviction that I believed his word. Even though Grayson was no match against a villain and her gang, he eased me into a calmer state.

"What do we do?"I asked in a hushed tone. The crowd we blended into seemed to have the same thought, because they began to get restless. "We wait" he cut his answer off short as one of the guards looked in our direction.

"Who do we wait for?" I asked once the guard looked away. "When I make a distraction you have to run" He replied. "What! I whispered loudly, but quickly reduced my volume so the villains couldn't hear me. "I am not going to leave you behind" he sighed before being stubborn. "I will be fine, Emory. I can handle myself. You have people that need you like your brother. You can't die here and leave him all alone." He replied tugging at my emotions.

"That's not fair. You have people waiting too, like Bruce, and Alfred and...Me" I paused realizing what I just said. "I can't handle losing anyone again." I tried to cover my mouth to muffle my cries. "Hey" Grayson said. His right hand soothed my hair while his other hand wiped away the stray tears. "I am going to be alright...we are going to see each other again" Grayson bitterly smiled before he suddenly stood up and I feel out of his embrace.

He violently stood up against the orders of Harley Quin. Harley and the guardsmen faced Grayson getting stares that would kill you on site. "Did you not hear me kid" Harley stated. "I said SIT DOWN!" She screamed shooting rounds of bullets randomly. Surprisingly dick didn't flinch or show any ounce of cowardliness.

The crowd erupted and in screams and chaos once again as a bunch of people decided to run away. The guardsmen quickly reacted and started shooting while Harley was screaming, trying to control the crowd. Dick quickly turned around and beckoned me to go. Trusting him I turned around and ran as fast as I could. Tears were trickling down my face and my hair was waving wildly from running. As I looked back, I could see Grayson maneuvering through the crowds to get to the gang, but eventually I lost sight of him as he merged into the chaos.


Sorry for such a long wait. I have been busy with school and just drama in general. I made this chapter extra long to make up for the wait. Hopefully you enjoy it. Have a wonder day or night or what ever...

Comment on what you think about the story so far. I haven't gotten to edit anything yet, but I will work on it soon.

My ship names for Emory Pierce and Dick Grayson so far...

Emory Pierce (Young Justice fan fiction)(Dick Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now