Chapter 4

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After breakfast we all went to our separate rooms to get ready for the day. Alfred has kindly brought me some clothes. I wore the white top, flannel shirt, and dark jeans he brought. When Alfred brought me my clothes, I had asked him where Bruce's office is. So I headed in the direction he told me and lucky ended up in front of two big oak doors.

Knocking before I entered, I pushed the huge doors open with slight resistance. The study was surprising empty. Alfred had told me he had headed for his study, but I guess I missed him. I took in the in fairly normal study. It had high bookcases that lined the walls. There was also a dark mahogany desk in the center. The arc-like window was behind the desk and was closed with curtains. Even though it was closed the sunlight slipped through the crevices, illuminating the huge room.

The weird thing I noticed about the study was how clean it was. There were no papers and binders that pertaining to the Wayne business. I remember my father's study being messy filled with stacks of papers and reports he had to read. Did Bruce not use his study, but what other room did he use to do his work? I turned quickly as I heard a sliding noise, but turned to run into Bruce.

"This room is off limits" he said firmly.
I was taken back of how defensive he has gotten.
"I apologize for intruding, but I was told that I can find you here" I responded with growing anger. He basically kidnapped me justifying it by saying someone is after me and my family. For all I know he can be lying.

"What do you need" he said as he sat in his unused desk. I remained standing in front of the huge the desk, trying to assert some authority, the key word trying.

"What I need is answers?" I said loudly. I noticed how composed Bruce sat even after my unexpected outburst.

"What is the problem, you are safe" He responded smoothly.

"Safe from what! You literally dragged me and brother out in the middle of the night, and told us some weird cryptic message. The only person I should be in danger from is you!" I said letting my anger and rage up.

My face was flushed red and I could practically see the steam emitting off me. I was beyond anger probably due to the confusion and lack of control in my life. Bruce sat like a king in his regal throne. His suit was of the highest quality probably worth more than the company it was made at.

"Sit down" he said calmly as he motioned towards the chair in front of the massive desk.

"Why?" I said slightly surprised by his response. I just blew up on him and he still shows no emotions.

"It's a long story" he replied so I quickly obliged, eager to find out what happened.

"It started with a phone call from batman. He told me that you and your brother were in danger from some people in your company. It could be the same people that kills your father."

"So the people in my company killed my father? Why?"

"I don't know, but most people do it for money, power, or even envy."

"Wait...why would batman call you?" I still didn't understand why a billionaire that ran businesses had a connection with a superhero.

"I don't widely publicize it but I fund the justice league and their many facilities and equipment. Me and batman are...close friends." Bruce said cryptically. "Your father actually sponsored the justice league as well; lets say I met him through that common connection."

"Do you think we will be safe?" My voice strained. I was more worried about my little dork's safety more than my own. I couldn't bear the thought of anyone harming him.

At the sight of my worried face, Bruce's compassion somehow seeped through. His voice was gentle yet sincere, trying to assuage my fears.
" I know how it feels to lose your parents due to unforeseen circumstances, but I promise you that those events won't come to harm you."

After of conversation, me and Bruce discussed other topics. We were interrupted by a business call he had to attend to at work, so he swiftly departed. That is why I am currently wondering the vast hallways in the manor. If I was going to stay here for the time being I need to at least know where everything is .

I went to turn another sharp corner, but slammed into another brick wall apparently.
"Please don't make this an habit. Falling for attractive people can get you hurt." None other than The billionaire play boy, Dick, said.

He extended his hand towards my fallen body. His white pearly teeth showing as Dick gave me a smug smile. "Oh please, this is nothing but a coincidence" I said as I reluctantly took his hand with mine.

With surprising strength he lifted me up with a single tug. His face was inches away from mine, and I could clearly see his light blue eyes. "I say it's fate" he retaliated. I almost got lost in his deep eyes that I didn't realize how long I was taking to respond.

" fate doesn't exist; I believe people make their own outcomes" I said firmly trying to back away from his alluring presence. Sensing this Dick advance closer to me, probably knowing the effect he has on me. I froze as his eyes went straight to my lips and back to my eyes. His breath fanned my blushing cheeks and his weakening scent washed over my body.

"sometimes no matter how hard someone tries the out come is always the same" he spoke breaking the spell he cast. His demeanor suddenly changed and his formerly light blue eyes darkened due to the sad memories that resurfaced. I tried to contain the urge to comfort him by hugging him, but I restrained myself thinking that my actions would be weird. I just met the boy.

" Can you show me around Gotham" I blurted out "I..I don't know my way around the city yet." I mentally face palmed myself for being so awkward. I just wanted to change the situation but I think I made it worse.

Thankful my actions proved to be success. " sure princess I would love to show you around Gotham. "

" don't call me that" I spitefully said as I pushed past him on my way down the hall.

"Sure princess!" He yelled behind me "But you're going the wrong way"

I quickly turned around and rushed past him and his annoyingly captivating presence. Chuckling at my actions he jogged to catch to my fast pace.

Emory Pierce (Young Justice fan fiction)(Dick Grayson)Where stories live. Discover now