Drezilla cocaine (pov)
Oh ma demon
I can't believe slenderman has invited me to his humble home I really missed that bloody smell of him I still have that piece of cloth that has blood and it smells like slendermanSlenderman (pov)
That peasant
He accepted he Dosent even know hehe3rd person view
Drezilla came to his house and he planted potatoes
He cooked the potatoes
And he also made mash potatoesPotato ryhmes with onion
Potato is czn of onionDo u know who else loves onions
from that potato group was this strange onion
Shrek needs all onions in the world
So shrek made a master plan to take that onion Bec it was specialDrezilla cocaine wanted to protect zat onion wid his life Bec slenderman realized how much important it was to drezilla cocaine so he let him keep it
So at 12:00am they used that onion to summon shrek
Slenderman problems
HumorStuff that slenderman struggles with Gender problems Etc For the pussy ass bitches that are sensitive to vulgar language Watch out Read at your own risk