Inuyasha Confesses and Koga's New found Love

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Kagome watched as Inuyasha as he slept. She couldn’t sleep herself because she knew she would end up leaving him soon enough. To protect her heart from the ache it was about to go through.

A few nights ago when Kagome was in the woods alone she ran into the one person who she would gladly get rid of. Kikyo. But something was different about her. She looked.....weak. Kikyo looked at Kagome and her gaze held Kagome in place. She made her way slowly to Kagome with a smile on her face that made Kagome feel cold shivers of fear. "Kagome what a nice surprise…to see you here… all alone. How is my Inuyasha?" Her smile widened as Kagome glared at her.

"Why don't you go and ask him yourself? Once he picks up your scent he'll come looking for you." Kagome knew that she was speaking too loudly but she didn't care. While she was speaking Kikyo's smile faded. "I know you are right Kagome. Maybe I should leave now." There was an undertone in her voice that made Kagome wonder. In spite of herself she asked "What's wrong Kikyo?" Kikyo looked away from Kagome, setting her free from her gaze and said "I know how you feel about Inuyasha and he feels the same way Kagome. But I won’t let him confess that to you. Not while I’m walking the earth."

Suddenly Kagome was on her back with Kikyo's angry eyes glaring down at her. She wasn't shocked, Kagome knew something like this was coming so she said “ He does not love me Kikyo. His heart still belongs to you." with a broken voice. Kikyo's eyes softened and she said " If you know what's good for you Kagome you would go back to your own world and leave Inuyasha and your friends, or I will make you."

 Kagome watched as Kikyo stood up and walked deeper into the woods, but she didn’t bother to move. She curled up into a ball of sorrow and pain and let silent tears flow down her face. She didn't notice she had fallen asleep until she heard someone sniff the air around her. "Kikyo was here." he muttered.

"Kagome are you alright?" he asked now close to her ear. "Yes Kikyo was here. Now go look for her like you always do and leave me alone Inuyasha." Kagome stretched out of the ball she was in a stood up then pointed to the north side of the woods "She went that way." Kagome watched his face, looking for a sign that he would go after Kikyo and it was all there.

The way he looked in the direction she pointed to him, the way his eyes became hopeful and she couldn't take it anymore. Kagome turned her back on him and began to run as fast as she could through the forest, knowing that he wouldn't come after her.                                                    

Now as she sat there remembering it all tears of sheer agony ran slowly down her face. Shippou, Sango, and Kirra were sound asleep, but Inuyasha was a light sleeper and he heard Kagome sobbing. She didn't notice when Inuyasha sat up and looked at her, wondering what she was crying for.

"Kagome? Are you alright?" he asked softly. She brushed her tears away quickly so he wouldn't see them. "I'm fine Inuyasha." She looked away from him and heard him mumble something about how she was a bad liar. Kagome glared back at him and said "Inuyasha sit!" BOOM! He went through the ground and everyone woke up. "Oh no." Shippou said. "Not again" Sango and Miroku said.

 Kagome looked at them all. "I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to wake you up." Then Kagome got up and walked off into the woods not looking left, right or even behind her as Inuyasha rose and began to follow her silently.

Inuyasha Confesses and Koga's New found Love ~*Completed~*Where stories live. Discover now