Chapter 30 {Final}

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  • Dedicated to All my fantastic fans!!!

Sorry it's distracted. Anyway, thank you for being with me through this story. I love you all and this is dedicated to all my loyal fans and readers!!!!

-Koga's P.O.V-

I stared at Yuzuyu. "Oh hell no! I did not just shed a tear for this girl! Confess my love for this girl! And she wakes up in my arms and forgets who I am? Yuzuyu Inuzuka, you have completely pissed me off. I glared hard at her intertwined in Kenji's arms. Arms that should be mine. "Your love for me? I don't even know you." Her nose wrinkled "Yuzuyu...these people are your friends...most of them anyway, and they care about you." I noticed Kenji hadn't bothered to let her go and I glared hard at him. "Y-You don't remember us Yuzu?" came a small watery voice. Yuzuyu's eyes softened as she untangled herself from Kenji, something vital for my piece of mind.

"I'm sorry little one...I'm afraid I don't." Maybe you could remind me?" Shippou's eyes went misty with un-shed tears as he sniffed. "Don't cry...I- Kenji! What did you do?!" she exclaimed whirling around and stabbing his chest with her finger. Kenji gulped and recounted the events of Naraku's fall and what part we played in it. "How come I don't remember anything about any of them, seeing as I supposedly knew them longer, but I remember you, the jackass responsible for all this?"

I grinned as Kenji winced at her words. Yuzuyu met my gaze and her eyes hardened. "Why do I feel for you things that I never felt for him?" I stepped towards her. "Because you love me more than you could ever love him Yuzu." "I don't believe in love Koga." I lifted a brow. "I never told you my name." "It's on your walking stick." "That was mad by you." "I know...I see my by line. Look, I want to remember you but I can't."

I gripped the back of her neck and pulled her hard against me, crashing my lips onto hers in a harsh possessive kiss. She responded immediately, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer. She abruptly pulled away, her eyes wide in wonderment. "" she turned and ran. "Yuzuyu!" "Way to scare the girl off Koga." "Shut up mutt."

-Yuzuyu's P.O.V-

I ran. No, I ran as fast as I could away from the wolf demon with the soul sheering kiss. I had never felt that when Bankotsu kissed me. Maybe he wasn't the one for me? I shook my head. When I had opened my eyes and had seen his filled with tears I felt cherished...loved even. Something I had only felt with...I can't remember. Maybe it was that girl in the green, red, and white clothes. When our eyes had met I had felt a kinship...and the little fox demon. It broke my heart to see him cry because I didn't remember him. I was being a jerk and I really didn't want to be.

The only one I could guess that didn't like me was the one with the fan, so I was okay being a jerk to her. Kenji said I had been killed partly because of him. Strangely I didn't hate him for it. But don't get me wrong, payback's a bitch. "Yuzuyu Inuzuka." I looked to my left to see a beautiful woman surround by soul collectors staring at me. "I'm I know you ma'am?" "Bankotsu was not the one for you. He didn't love you properly; he put The Band of Seven over you.

"But Koga of the Wolf Demon Tribe...when he saw that you were dead, you were all he could think about. He ceased to care about his own safety and attacked in a blind rage. All of the people, even the one who hates you, have come to like you. Forget the past Yuzuyu, and move on with the future." The women touched my forehead and pictures...memories rushed into my mind. I fell to my knees and clutched my head in my hands, whimpering in pain.

Everything came back to me. I looked up at the women who said she wanted nothing to do with me. "My time has come my child. It is time I stop using the souls of the dead to keep me going. Tell Inuyasha goodbye for me." I watched as Kikyo disappeared before my eyes, the souls she housed scattering about. "Thank you...mother." I got to my feet and made my way back to the cave. I stood at the entrance and everyone stared at me, waiting for something. Shippou, who was more like me than anyone else in the room, stared at me with tear filled eyes. I locked eyes with Inuyasha and, instead of telling him, I showed him what Kikyo had said. He shook his head when it was done and stared at her with a question in his eyes. I nodded in reply and he smiled faintly.

I walked over to Shippou and knelt before him. I brushed a finger under his eye, catching a tear as it fell. "I'm so sorry for being such a jerk and forgetting you Shippou, but I remember now, and if I have anything to say about it I'll never forget again." Shippou flung his arms around my neck and I held him close. "I love you Shippou." "I love you too Yuzu." I smiled and pulled away from him, kissing his forehead. I stood and locked eyes with him. I took in a deep breath and walked towards him.

"You were right." I stated as I stood directly before him. He looked up at me. "Right about what exactly?" I knelt in front of him and leaned in, kissing him softly. I pulled back and looked him dead in the eyes. "I do love you as much as you love me Koga. From that night on the hill." Koga grinned. "So, does that mean that I'm that guy?" He raised an eyebrow. "If you're not, I don't know who is." I gripped the back of Koga's neck and pulled him into a hard kiss, pulling away only to say "I love you Koga."


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