Chapter 25

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This is a very short chapter guys. I'll have another up soon hopefully. Oh and would you guys do me a favor and check out Lorby1000's stories??? They are all BoyxBoy so if you aint into that kinda thing dont mess with it. Also my friend, DreamerzizMe(sp? maybe), has a story out. Its a K-Pop fan fic called The Place I found my Freedom and its really goo. So.....PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!! ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!

       “Can we come out now?” Shippou asked. Kagome nodded and they all returned to the clearing. Koga was wobbling around on his new crutch and Yuzuyu was making sure he didn’t fall over as they approached. “Enjoy yourselves?” Miroku asked smirking at them. Yuzuyu turned red and Koga muttered “Nosey bastards.” “I told you didn’t I Yuzu?” “I don’t think it’s like that Inuyasha.” “Like what?” Sota and Kagome asked in unison. Inuyasha held Yuzuyu’s gaze for a while before turning away. “Well, it could be.” Koga gave Yuzuyu a soft glare. “If you’re talking about what I think you are then no, it’s not like that.” Yuzuyu shrugged nonchalantly and Inuyasha almost flinched at Koga’s harsh words.

       Yuzuyu turned her back on everyone and just like that a swarm of demons came and lifted her into the air. Koga watched helplessly as she was carried away, the words she implanted into his mind ringing in his ears. Show as much raw hate towards me as you can, and do not hold back. He did as she had asked, not knowing why and now he was helpless to help her in anyway. She looked over her shoulder at them with blank eyes. Koga and Shippou heard what no one else did. Thank you and goodbye. Be careful and take care of each other. “Yuzuyu!” they both cried. It was too late, she was gone. “Yuzuyu!” Kagome cried. “Her scent is gone, as in untraceable gone.” Inuyasha stated. Kagome turned her fury on Koga. “Why’d you have to be so mean all of a sudden?!” she yelled. “She told me to! I didn’t know why! I still don’t!” “What’d you mean told you?!”

       Koga turned away from her and motioned his two comrades to him. “Start the search. I want her found within three days. No more, maybe less.” They nodded and took off in the direction of the demons. Koga turned back to Kagome. “I can’t explain it but her mind brushed mine and I heard what she wanted me to. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have someone to locate.” He turned to wobble away when a hand clamped down on his shoulder. He followed the hand to its owner. Inuyasha smirked. “If you think you’re going off to look for her yourself with a jacked up leg you’re on some serious shit.” Koga grinned, turned to face him and clasped his hand in a brotherly grip that had everyone in shock. “Comrades?” Koga asked. “For now.” Inuyasha replied. “Okay then, now that that’s settled, we have a hanyo to find!”

Inuyasha Confesses and Koga's New found Love ~*Completed~*Where stories live. Discover now