Chapter 18

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THATS YUZUYU GUYS!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

-Third Person P.O.V-

        “Where’s Yuzuyu?” Inuyasha asked when he and Kagome returned to the clearing. “She hasn’t come back yet.” Sango said lying on the ground with Keirra curled up next to her. “Do you think she’s okay? I mean, she’s not fully healed yet.” This came from Kagome. “I'm pretty sure she’s okay.” Shippou said.

        “What makes you so…” “Hi guys.” the cat herself said walking into the clearing. “Where have you been young lady?!” “Shut up Kagome, it’s late so you guys get to bed. I’ll stand guard.” Yuzuyu replied sitting next to the fire. “Um…you okay?” “I’m fine Kagome.” “Really? Because this is the first time I’ve seen your tail so stressed…or at all.” Shippou stated.

        Yuzuyu’s tail wrapped itself around her waist. “It only comes out when I want it to.” she replied absentmindedly. They all studied her for a moment before shrugging it off and going to bed, leaving Yuzuyu alone with her thoughts.

-Yuzuyu’s P.O.V-

        I felt his presence before I heard him behind me. “You disobeyed me.” he said in a cool, calm voice. “It wasn’t the right time. I have to get him to trust me first…father.” I spat out the last word. There was a silence. “Kagura says you were encouraging him.”

        “What’s life without encouragement?” He didn’t answer so I asked another question. “Where are you keeping them?” “They are safe…for the moment. Just remember where your fate is being held.” He placed a hand over his hollow chest and vanished.

        “Who was that Yuzu?” Miroku asked. “No one you need worry about.” “Tough night?” “Go back to bed Miroku.” “Answer my question first.” I sighed. “No, tough lifetime.” “Wanna talk about it?” I slowly turned a look on Miroku. He clocked my glare and yawned. “Well what do you know, it’s past my bedtime.”

*Next Morning* ~Third Person P.O.V~

        When everyone woke the next morning fish and bird eggs were waiting for them or breakfast. “Morning guys.” Yuzuyu said handing everyone their food on an over grown leaf. “Morning Yuzuyu.” everyone replied in varying sections of awake and asleep. That is, until a whirl wind made its way into the center of the clearing.

        When it subsided there stood a ticked off Koga, his fury directed at Yuzuyu. “Thanks for nothing Yuzuyu!” he yelled at her. “What the hell did I do!?” she yelled back. “It isn’t what you did, but what you were going to do.” Yuzuyu stiffened slightly. “You were going to use me…toy with me, just to get the shards. I thought at least we were friends!”

        “We are! After last night how could we not be?!”  Wonder what happened last night. Kagome thought.

“If we were even remotely friends you wouldn’t have told him what you did. Why did you Yuzuyu?” No answer. “I thought as much.” “Koga, you don’t understand.” “Oh I understand perfectly you treacherous snake. And did you even bother to tell Kagome who daddy dearest is?”

        Yuzuyu growled low in her throat, hearing the threat. “You don’t want to do that Koga.” she hissed. “What’s he talking about?” Kagome asked. Yuzuyu’s anger drained and her eyes widened in horror. “I’m talking about…” “Koga! Think for a moment, do you really want to do this?” Inuyasha asked. “Hell yeah I do. Besides, don’t you think Kagome deserves to know who she’s traveling with?” “What’s he talking about? What don’t I know? Inuyasha?” He didn’t reply, just glared at Koga.”

        She turned to Koga. “Koga?” “H-he means m father Gome.” Yuzuyu cut in. “Who is he? He can’t be that bad.” Koga smirked and Yuzuyu took a deep breath. “Naraku.” Everyone in the clearing who didn’t know this dirty little secret gasped. Kagome looked at Yuzuyu with hurt and betrayal. “Kagome…I…” “Leave.” Yuzuyu’s eyes widened. “Bu…” “I said leave. Your father is the creator of evil itself. He’s even after the shards. I bet he ordered o to collect them for him.”

        Yuzuyu didn’t say anything to either dispute or confirm Kagome’s words. “I knew there was something you went telling me. Now that I know, I want you to leave.” Yuzuyu’s eyes went blank, cold and empty. Her face cleaned of all emotion. “As you wish…Lady Kagome. Gomen.” Yuzuyu turned on her heel and walked away.

        “Kagome…how…why?!” Shippou couldn’t form a complete sentence. “It’s for the best Shippou.” Shippou glared a Koga. “I hope your happy with what you’ve done.” he spat. “Oh, I am little fox demon. I really and truly am.” Koga said with a smirk before walking away. Something’s not right here. Sango thought. Deep in the forest Yuzuyu waited for him.

        When she saw him she growled. “You no good son of a bitch! How could you turn my only friend against me? I thought you were better than that.” Naraku laughed out loud. “I could not help myself. I needed some…fun in m life. You were always a good form of entertainment.” “What do you get out of this exactly?” “The satisfaction of seeing your pain.” Yuzuyu gave him her back.

        “Why won’t you kill me? Get it over with? I have no reason to live.” “Ah, but you do my precious child. You have ‘hope’ now.” Yuzuyu said nothing, just ran deeper and deeper into the brush, not caring where she was going. His laughter following her every step.


Inuyasha Confesses and Koga's New found Love ~*Completed~*Where stories live. Discover now