Perfect Father

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I'm woken by a screaming Penelope. Christian leaps out of bed practically running to her bed side. He's such a perfect father, he doesn't even realise it after all this time. Glancing at the clock beside our bed it reads 3:27am. Flopping my head back on the bed I turn to Christians side, his pillow smells of him. My fifty. Closing my eyes I feel the bed dip and arms around my stomach. "Why are you on my side?" I feel rather than see his smirk. "Are you smirking at me Mr Grey? What was wrong with Penelope?"  I yawn "never Mrs Grey, Penelope's fine just a bad dream Teddys fast asleep" he pulls me closer to him so we're spooning. "Sleep Mrs Grey I love you" with that I drift safe in his arms on his side of the bed.


I awake by the sound of the rain hitting off the window. I turn to my left expecting to fall in to Christians arms but with disappointment his not there. Looking at the clock it's 7am. "Your awake Mrs Grey" his dressed in his navy suit and that silver grey tie. He strides towards me. "Mrs Jones has breakfast on the table for the children" he bends down to kiss me on my forehead. "I wish you'd come back to bed" batting my lashes "I have an 8 o'clock breakfast meeting, though looking like that in our bed I may have to phone in sick" with that said I pull his tie pulling his lips to mine. I try to deepen the kiss when he pulls away "up you get Mrs Grey" his laughing at me the fucker! He hates sleeping far from the door, maybe that's why his torturing me. He turns he's heel and leaves, satisfied he's annoyed me.

Walking down the stairs to the kitchen Christian is drinking coffee and reading the paper, Ted and Penelope are eating pancakes and syrup. "Morning lovelies" I say rather enthusiastically, while putting my handbag on the work top. I walk round behind Christian and rap my hands around his neck and whisper in his ear "morning daddy" softly biting his ear lobe. He shifts so his lips are inches away from mine "morning mummy, you look lovely this morning" I'm wearing my navy lace dress with pale pink heels. I bend so are lips lock. Christian try's to deepen the kiss but I pull away embarrassed that Mrs Jones and the children are watching. Fifty frowns. Taylor coughs discreetly at the end of the hall, Christian turns and nods. I walk towards the door while Taylor heads towards the garage.  I hear Christian saying bye to the kids he walks round to Ted messing up his hair and hugs Penelope. Until his inches away from me he frowns. "What's up baby?" His worried, how can I tell him I miss having him to myself. I miss not caring who's around and giving him my undivided attention. "Nothing" I mutter. He bends to kiss me, my hands find his hair pulling his tongue deeper in to my mouth. A soft moan escapes his mouth our tongues tangled in each other's mouths. His right hand on my chin lifting it up to him and his other hand on my back pushing me against him. I feel his growing erection digging into me. "Ewww there kissing again Ted come quick!" I pull away from Christian and whisper in his ear "rain check" he winks at me. "Just wait till your older and you fall in love with someone" the horror on Christians face when I said that was a picture. "In thirty years time" he clarify's I can't help but laugh he's such a hypocrite. "Your going to be late go" I try to wave him off. "Laters baby" he winks at me and his gone. "Right who's eaten all their breakfast?" I say to my two beautiful children.

With the children ready Taylor is back to take the children to school. "Bye kids have a good day at school!" I shout after. I wonder if I could get to the office early this morning, the traffic yesterday was horrific!

Finding my keys to my R8 I get in and drive to work.

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