I want you

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It's nearly 7 o'clock I've got so much todo. Im always home in time to put the children to bed. Work lately has just gotten on top of me. I'll just sign these papers and call it a day I think. My phone is buzzing on my desk. Without looking at the caller ID I answer it. "Hello" I manage to say "baby why are you working so late?" His voice is so calming "just got a lot on one of the authors wants to have a meeting tomorrow I've got to sign these copies so I don't have much todo in the morning, I won't be long" I sense his frustration "okay baby, I'll put the kids to bed for when you get back I love you" I imagine him pulling at his hair while he says that. "I love you too" and the line goes dead.


Pulling into my drive, I see the front door wide open. That's strange it's 8 o'clock. Walking in I see Christian sat on the bottom step of the stairs with his head in his hands. "Where's the children?" I sound more worried than I intended "in bed, it is gone eight Ana" running his hands through his hair. "I know but I wanted to read them a story and see how their day at school was Ted had his trials today" I give out a loud sigh and Christian pulls me into his arms. "I'm sorry baby, ask him in the morning I'm sure they went great" he says in my ear starting to tug my earlobe. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me, tugging my head free I rest if under his chin and place my hand on his heart. "What's wrong Ana?" How can I tell him I miss him? "Nothing, I'm going to bed" moving from his hold i practically run up the stairs Christian follows me "talk to be Ana, your not going to bed on an empty stomach come here!" Ignoring him I walk into our bed room and lock my self in our bathroom. Sliding down the door I begin to cry. "Baby what's wrong please let me in" I just cry and cry I don't know what for. I hear Christian banging on the door his going to wake the children I don't want them to see me like this. "Please baby open the door" I lift up and unlock the door, moments later Christian is on his Knees pulling me into his arms "shh I've got you, I've got you" sagging in his arms I just cry and cry till I can't cry anymore. Teddy walks in to the bathroom knocking the door. "Why is mummy crying" he frowns "shes fine champ get back to bed, when I come to check on you I expect you to be asleep" I cling to Christian. "Yes daddy" teddy comes over to me and kisses my check "get better mummy love you" I pull his little hand and kiss his palm "I love you too Night little man" with that his gone. Christian lifts me into his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck. He places me into our bed and brings to change me into my silk night dress. "Can I wear one of your tshirts?" I pout at him patting my lashes. He smirks and takes one of his plain white tees and put it on me. He kisses my nose and pulls back the covers. "In you go" he whispers "aren't you coming to bed?" I sound disappointed, hell I am disappointed i just want alone time with him no distractions! "Yes baby but soon I have work todo" he smiles but his smile doesn't touch his eyes he puts his hand on my cheek I lean into his touch. "Please Christian" i say sulky. With that he strips and puts on his pyjama bottoms and slides into bed, the bed dips as he pulls me into his muscular arms. His hands on my stomach. I put my hands on his and lean into him. "What did you last eat?" He whispers into my ear "I had a tea cake, strawberry and banana smoothie at lunch" he stiffens "Ana you need to eat" he shifts to move out of bed I pull him "no don't go, don't leave me on my own" he pulls me closer to him. "What's wrong Ana you've been jumpy theses past few days?" Should i tell him? I turn in his arms and he looks worried. I put my head on his chest my hand on his heart and he wraps his arms around me. His leg tangled in mine. "Please baby tell me" I bite my lip, here goes nothing. "I miss you, I miss having you to myself, I miss having your full undivided attention, I miss all off you Christian, your fifty shades. We never make time for each other any more. I miss Escala and the play room I mean i really miss it. I want you and every time the moment comes we get distracted or interrupted" I've got tears coming down my face, that's been brooding for so long I didn't even realise I've said everything to him. "Your jealous?" He asks in horror he try's to tug my chin for me to look in his eyes but I pull away and tuck my chin under his chin and pull him closer to me. "You have nothing to be jealous of, I miss you too more than you'll ever know" with that I drift in his arms not wanting to let him go.


I feel a small hand on my cheek gently tapping me. I'm wrapped in Christian grey too warm. His head is on my chest snoring softly. My eyes flutter open to teddy standing beside our bed. "Mummy I couldn't sleep, I was worried about you are you okay?" My baby boy looks so worried! "I'm fine baby boy" Gosh I didn't want to worry him. "Mummy can I sleep next to you?" I glance at the clock and see its 1:06am. Not wanting to disturb fifty I shift a little so Ted can get into the bed next to me. I hear Christian mumble in his sleep, he places his hand on my breast and pushes his erection In to me. I nudge him awake. I kiss teds forehead and tell me to go to sleep and that everything will me okay. Christian stirs "I want you now Mrs Grey" he purrs, gosh he knows that does things to be. "Shh teds here he couldn't sleep" Christian sighs I look over and see that Ted had fallen to sleep. "No Christian just no" he just looks at me one brow up "whatever do you mean Mrs Grey?" His smirking at me the bastard! I sigh and shift over on my side my back to Christian and my front to teddy. He pulls me in his arms so we're spooning, my head on his chest and my hand holding Teddys. I drift knowing my family is safe at my side.

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