Soon Mrs Grey

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The morning sunlight shines through the curtains blinding me from my beauty sleep. I'm hungry really hungry. Teddy is at my side fast asleep and there's no sign of Christian. Slipping out of bed, trying not to wake Ted I see its 7:08am. I hear Christian in his study. Gosh it's early! Who's he on the phone to at this time. Walking into his study I barge in without knocking. I practically run to him quietly so he doesn't notice me. Putting my arms around his shoulders he jumps. His eyes harden but soften when he knows it's me. "Your working early" I whisper in his ear "that I am, wanting to get a heads start so I can spend more time with my wife later" wow his making the effort, maybe his feeling it too? "I like the sound of that" Christian tugs me into his lap, he begins to kiss my neck sending delicious shivers down my spine. Feeling his erection hardening on me, my hands find his hair and his mouth covers mine. I deepen the kiss. Christians left hand keeping my chin up right so he can have full access. I moan and hear a knock at the door. Christian groans in frustration, and shouts "come in" its Taylor "Sir I need to talk to you" Taylor looks at me and smiles and back to Christian " private sir" Christian nods. Jumping of Christians lap he grabs my hand. He stands with me and kisses my forehead "soon Mrs Grey I love you" what does soon mean? Soon I'll have him to my self? Or soon he'll be done with his convocation? I look at his questionably "back at you grey" and walk out of his study. The children are at the breakfast bar. Penelope is all ready dresses for school and teddy is still in his pyjamas. "Mommy are you better now?" Teddy asks me with his brow frowned. For such a young boy he sure isn't silly. He knows exactly what's going on around him. It reminds me of myself at his age. Never wanting to miss a thing around him. "Yes sweetheart, don't worry about it. Now eat all your pancakes, how was your trials yesterday?" Maybe this will take his mind off everything. "Really good mummy, I have a completion next week can you and daddy come?" Ted plays a lot of football it's so good for him at his age to start young, most importantly he enjoys it. His always asking Christian to play with him but his surprisingly not that good. He get jealous when Elliot try's to teach our son, of course I don't mind but I can see it hurts Christian. "yes baby boy. You had enough Penelope?" She nods and walks over to Christians study. Penelope is such a daddy's girl. He is so wonderful with her.


At my desk at work my office phone rings, letting out a big sigh I answer "Ana Grey" who on earth is ringing me this early in the day, gosh I'm so tired. "Baby what's wrong?" I know that voice from anywhere! "Nothing, just tired that's all, what did you want Christian?" moaning down the other end of the phone "someone's not in a good mood this morning, I'm ringing to inform you not to forget the charity event Mia has organised for tomorrow night" this week has gone so fast I can hardly believe my luck, the last charity event I've been to was coping together just before we got married. "I won't baby" using his word back at him, I sense his smirk down the phone "keep behaving like that I may have to get those silver balls out again" I laugh I have actual tears down my face oh fifty what am I going todo with you "maybe, right let me be I have work todo" I really want my husband right now "as you wish Mrs Grey, I love you" he sighs "I love you too always" we both stay on the line "hang up Christian" he laughs his care free laugh "your a bossy little thing aren't you" I roll my eyes "your bossy little thing" I know at this point his running his fingers through his hair. "Always. I know when you roll your eyes at me and I'd like to tell you that my palm is twitching" oh gosh "Christian stop we're at work, I wish I didn't leave our bed this morning" yawning down the phone. "Who says I'm at work Mrs Grey" what's he up to "laters Grey" I hang up before he can change the topic of conversation. Looking up a Bing from my email box comes up on my computer. It's from Christian.

From: Christian Grey
Subject: rude
Time: 8:59
To: Anastasia Grey

It's rude when ones wife hangs up on you. No surprise for you tonight. I'm working late, just thought you should know.

C x

From: Anastasia Grey
Subject: rude your self<----
Time: 9:02
To: Christian Grey

Please note my title, for interrupting my busy morning. Of course I should know if your working late I'm your wife and I worry you know that.
I love you.
Your Ana x

The day just flys by, I look at my clock and see its nearly 6:30. I have one mor manuscript to read and then I'll call it a day. I wonder why his working late and what time he means by late. I let out a be sigh and begin to read.

Pulling up on my drive I collect my briefcase and lock my R8. That's odd it's 7:30 and Christians car is home, i thought he was working late. I walk in and the house is in silence. I'm use to be greeted at the door by my children. I walk in the kitchen and Gail is not where to be seen this is really odd, maybe everyone's outside. Walking over to the patio, all I see is boats in the distance and the beautiful meadow. That brings fond memories flooding back. I wish me and Christian where like how we used to be, I know it's hard having children. Looks like I have the house to my self. Walking through the hall and up the stairs I see a box lying on my bed. I open it and find a note on top of the tissue paper.

Put this on and come find me. I'm rapped in satin sheets, staring at red walls.
Yours always

I jump up and down with glee his at Escala! I open up the tissue paper and find a piece in of lingerie. Soft pink, it's silk. He loves when I wear his tshirts but loves when I wear silk. Stripping off I put it on and go into my closet to find some sweats. Putting them on I'm out the door, in search of my fifty shades. He must have gave Gail the night off and the children must be with Grace. Starting my R8, I'm so excited maybe he feels bad because of what I told him last night.

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