The Trouble With Drew

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It was time for the double date. Drew came to my house and picked me up. Based on looks he was pretty much a girls dream, just not mine. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and he was a reasonable height, his smile was pearly white and straight, and he was pretty muscular. We met Calvin and Autumn at the theater. Autumn was pretty but such a mean girl! She barely even talked to me. She just said," oh Calvin talks about you a lot." She would always have one arm around Calvin's and had this super fake voice that put my teeth on edge, not to mention she had buckets of makeup on too.

We decided to watch a horror movie( We meaning everybody but me ) and sit next to each other. Calvin and Autumn cuddled up in their two seats and pretty much made out the whole time. I tried to eat my popcorn but I soon lost my appetite because of the "lovely" couple next to me. Poor Drew, he tried to kiss me several times but I stood my ground. He did "the move" where the guy puts his arm around you and he even tried to hold my hand in the popcorn box. I have never had my first kiss before and I was honestly really scared because of the movie and I also didn't want Drew to be my first kiss. Ewww! That guy has literally gone out with all the "popular" girls at my school.


Finally, the horror date was over. When Drew walked me to my door, He went in for a hug but I high-fived him instead. During the high-five he interlaced his fingers around mine and pulled me to his chest then kissed me. I pushed him back and there was an awkward silence that was broken by me ringing the doorbell. It had all just happened so fast but there were 3 things I was positive of:

1. I just had my first kiss

2. My first kiss wasn't Calvin

3. Drew hadn't said anything yet

"Are you ok?" Drew asked.

" I'm sorry.. I just... I've just never been kissed before," I said, now pink in the face.

" Oh," Drew said," well did u like it?" His face now started turning a faint shade of red.

" It wasn't as good as I thought it would be," I said honestly.

" Why don't we try again then," he said and started leaning in when my father opened the door.

" Bye Drew!," I said with a smile. I watched my dad glare at him as he left.

I had never been so glad to have an overprotective dad.


The whole rest of the week all I heard about was Calvin and Autumn. My mind and heart were about ready to explode!! I heard the same thing everyday!

" oh yes! We met on the boat," autumn would giggle.

" ya I was roamin' around and I saw her in the karaoke hall. She wasn't singing, but I saw her and knew she would be mine," Calvin would then say.

"Oh and then you came over to me and asked if u could sit next to me and I said yes!"autumn would say while giving Calvin a butterfly kisses.

"Then we hung out everyday," calvin said while staring dreamily into autumn's eyes.

Oh shut up! That's the lamest love story ever. If Calvin and I had a love story it would be so awesome that I would write a story about it. Just saying... But I'm really jealous. Calvin is still trying to set me up with people though.

- what about Andrew?

~come on really


-Adam ?

~ Calvin, stop! I don't need you to set me up with anybody

- Blake?


- Eric?


~ please stop😒

-ok last one....

- Tony

~ Thanks but no thanks🙅

- I just want you to be happy like me and autumn👫

~ autumn and I 😏

- ya

~ I gtg bi

- bi

I couldn't wait to go to Florida and be gone of all this for a week.


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