Chapter 10 A Sudden Confession

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In the living room while were sitting , watching tv and chatting..

" Yomiko..?"

"Yes , Ms. Mikahara.."

"Now that the live performance is over , do you have some freetime ?"

"Oh , no..i wanted to but.." Yuu smiles wryly at Tegemi...

"Actually, though i'm going to be busy again right away..."

"What another live performance"Miyoko distractedly glances away from what she's currently watching on tv.

"No, not a live performance.., i'm going to be on  a TV telenovela..." as she was saying this an premier add of her TV appearance showed on TV.."

Yomiko looks a little embarrassed as she watch it with us..

"Whoa , a starring role !" awed Raika...

"And she's even one of the leading protagonist.." added Rei {i'm really <shut the fuck up>}

(Whoa ! Seriously..) She was in the popular year- end drama series and now she's in another starring role in another series , she really is getting popular..

"Ooh a love story based on a popular manga , i believe i've read that , its a great story !! Miyoko seems a little bit too excited..

"Congratulations Yomiko" Muttered Kasumi..smiling softly..

Yomiko's leading role , i'm sure it's gonna be a great story..(for some reason Yomiko's staring at me..) is it me or someone at my back..nope it's just the wall...

"Uhm..Yomiko, what is it , can i help you with something ?!"

"! nothing.." when i ask curiously Yomiko seems to be confused..

"I just thought you might need something , you're looking at this direction.." (does she wan't to exchange seats ?)

Surprised Yomiko suddenly turns red...(oh ..there we go again she's mad at me for some reason..)

"I wasn't looking at you , what are you saying ?!"

"Oh..i just thought you might want to exchange seats with me...perhaps..?" (i'm i wrong ?) i was sitting a bit far from them Rei and Raika are sitting in the sofa on the left and Ms.Mikahara and Yomiko is sitting on the left , me and Miyoka is sitting up front the coffee table facing the tv and i was on the other a bit lonely here's not that bad..(for an introvert...did i just admit that..)

"I don't want your seat.." yomiko turns her back at me..

A few seconds later..


(She's definitely glancing at me..) i just pretended not to see her and act as if i was reading the magazine i was holding..( i don't want to get shouted again..i'll just ignore her..) Her face is really red , she must be really mad at me..she looks cute as usual though with that pouting look on her face..i have absolutely no idea what is going on , but i'm not complaining..

A few days before i learn the meaning behind those glances...

One day off , i don't have work on that day i was lounging around my room..i heard a knock at my door... *knock*knock*

"Who is it ?" 

"Can i come in ?!"

"Y-Yomiko ?!"


"What's wrong Yomiko ?!"(you can come in you know ?) i go towards the door to meet Yomiko but she just freezes there...(Her face seems a bit red..)

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