Chapter 20 Lovers

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It's been a few days since Yomiko and me begin officially started dating...When we meet in the Famille there's always a unavoidable awkwardness between us..but it's not unpleasant awkwardness it's quite the opposite in fact..

"Oh , Good morning Yomiko"

"G-Good morning Mina... i feel a little bit embarrassed..." as she smiles at me sweetly...(though i can't really believe i'm dating Yomiko) 

One day...

I'm going home from university with Yomiko...(I'm a bit new at this ..since probably she's my first girlfriend since...forever ? that were dating we always walk side by side...)Would be okay if we held hands ?


"Hmn..what ?" she notice me staring at her hands..

"Uh , ha ? Oh' nothing ..." 

"Is there something on my hand..?"

"Oh no, no i was just , ..hahaha..." i laugh at my silliness...( i should just tell her , i mean since were dating there's no harm in holding hands ...right ?)

"Uhm...your hands i'm just kinda wonderin' if we held hands ...?, since we're dating and all..." i smile at her nonchalantly...

Yomiko suddenly blushed..

"No, no, no's embarrassing..."

"Oh' ...r-right...embarrassing..." i felt somehow defeated...

i must have unconsciously exhales a huge sigh and gloom...when suddenly she grips firmly my hand on her own

"I guess it's okay. since were only holding hands i-it's only normal .." as she looks away from me but i noticed her smiling 

"Thanks , Yomiko .." i just left off a huge smile off my face..

"Don't thank me , you idiot..!"

We walk like this for a while , ..

"Hey , mina..."

"Hmn..what ?"

"P-people are staring at us..."

"It's only normal i  guess , were lovers after all.."

"L-Lovers ?!"

"Yes why ?"

"Nothing...i like the sound of that..where lovers hehehe..." as she lefts off a childish smile on her face..

I sure hope this happiness never ends..{you're jinxing it man...}While i enjoy this happiness we came across the park on our way home..We sat at the bench..We just smiled at each other as we remember that day ...when i first realize how i felt for Yomiko , the day i confessed my love to her as if it was like yesterday {technically it was..}

"i told you i like you here , didn't i ?" (Oh she's thinking the same thing..)that alone makes me even happier..still buoyed by that feeling i turn to Yomiko..

"And this is were i told you i loved you..."

"Hey i was the one who confessed first!"

"And i was the first who said i love you..."

(Not sure i have to ask this , but i have to know..)


"What do you like about me..? to be honest i can't think a single good qualities about me..hehehe.." as i laugh out my insecurities...

"Are you kidding me ?!"

I was caught a bit off guard by this , i was a bit confused..

"You have a lot of great qualities !!" she says this with such conviction , which make me really happy..

My Sweet Roomies Re -Writen (Yomiko  Yuu  Kohara Route)Where stories live. Discover now