My Sweet Rommies

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After getting smacked more than i can count, waking up a few hours a lost conciousness i found myself surrounded by 6 girls...

"I'm , sorry i forgot to explain!..You see this place is called Famille, ' and it's a share -house for girls a dorm if you want to be technical.." 

That would explain why i keep running into only girls around here..i know who Miyoko, Kasumi and Yomiko are but....

"Uh, umm...Sorry about earlier..."

Oh,, it's okay...(this is Reimako Ikagami, the one and only high schooler living here she's in her fourth term now and a minutes younger than her older twin sister..

The girl standing next to her, with the dyed -brown hair, lets our a chuckle..

"So i don't get an apology hmm?"

"Oh! I'm sorry for running into you , Raika (you actually throw me you should be the one apologizing..but i don't have the balls to say that...) 

"Hehe! i was kidding, you know! i did throw you , not my fault you startled me after all" (well she's not wrong there..)(The girl with the mischievous smile is Raika Ikagami Rei's a minute older sister...when i think about where i've seen her before, i realize she was the same  year as me..don't really know why Rei's still in high school { for the plot beside you're not going for Raikas arch anytime soon so let's just leave it like that}

"Hehe! what a disaster, huh ?'

"Y-yeah"...all the girls give me a smile"

And this is Tegemi Mikahara the landlady..(whoa' even the landlady is a looker!)

"Hey since everyone's here why don't you introduce yourself .."

"Well uh...ummm" as i was starting to speak Miyoko interrupted me

"You know what scrap that , I was hoping we could have Minamino stay here with us.."

"W-wh eh..?!"

"No way!" Yomiko is the first to raise her voice..."I'm not living with this pervert!" 

Afterward, Kasumi and Reimako chime in with hushed voices..

"..I must agree with her." 

"Me too ...this is a girls with a guy is...just..."

(Uhh...well , duh i was expecting this , what's wrong with Miyoko anyway , i know she's just trying to help but this is just plain ridiculous...But contrary to my expectations, there were some who weren't against me staying..)

"It doesn't bother me . I think it'd be fun."

"Huh" (that caught me off guard Raika not agreeing with her twin..)

"Of course i want him to live here, too..." ( and i'm not sure i can trust Miyoko's word i bet she's planning some diabolical scheme or something..)

"I see...what should we do about this.." Tegemi's looks as if she's still worried..

Then the conversation starts to really heat up..

"Minamino's a good guy ! It'll be fine!

"But this is supposed to be a all girls dormitory!"

"Yeah but! Minamino has nowhere else to go!"

"Then he can sleep outside! 

(Wow did i just really here that ? well i understand Yomiko's worries though , i appreciate Miyoko's standing for me but i'm a man and this is wrong i guess i should stop this quarrell but before that , the broken window is really bothering eyes stop at the tools i was looking earlier..)

Tegemi notice me looking.."Oh that ? i was trying to fix the window frame but that's about as far as i got."

"I see.." the window frame...i stood up approaching the window ..

"Miyoko i really appreciate you standing up for me , and i do understand Yomiko and Reimako's worries as well , and me staying here would actually be a bad idea , the neighbors could start a gossip and i wouldn't want to cause more trouble that i already had...let me just fix that window and i'll be on my way"...

They all just sat there silently while i start fixing the window...

A few hours later...

"There...and we're done..." as i pick up my things...


To my surprise Yomiko appeared in from of me..

"We-..we...hmn forget it i'm not going to do it , i did agree on this , i did my part you guys tell him" as she walks out pouting and stomping , as she goes upstair she look back and..

"Just so you , know i still don't agree with you being part of the Familie!!" then she took off..

"oh don't worry about her Mina , she's just a sore looser , because she lost at rock,paper, scissors.."

"Rock , Paper , Scissors ?...huh what ?

"We all made an agreement , and you seems to be handy and we might need a bit of a muscle around here..." as Tegemi explained

"So...uhm , i can stay ?..dumbfounded i look around myself..

No one is fighting the decision , except Yomiko ..

"Mina welcome to Familie"

"Hehe This'll be fun.."

('s been decided..?)

A.aha...hahaha...Th-thanks, everybody..(i still can't believe this is happening..)Either way i feel like a huge weight has just been lifted of my shoulders..

My dream life in a house surrounded by 6 beautiful girls has just begun.....haha take that life!

( this really going to be okay ?...Just what in the world is going to happen to me here ?!)

My Sweet Roomies Re -Writen (Yomiko  Yuu  Kohara Route)Where stories live. Discover now