Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen:

(Lexi's POV)

"Stop it!" I shouted sprinting towards them. I was about to jump in between them when Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist stopping me from moving.

"The boys will deal with it, you don't need to get in there," he whispered trying to reassure me. Knowing there was no in me fighting him, I relaxed and watched the boys deal with it.

Jarrod was the first to step in, he hoped in between the two fighting boys and grabbed them both by their shirts and held them apart.

"Tyson you know the rules here. We don't accept fighting between each other. You have a problem you sit and move on. Otherwise you take it to the somewhere else. understand?" Jarrod growled looking at Tyson.

Tyson looked towards me, steering straight into my eyes. It was as if he was pleading with me to pick his side. When I didn't move or say anything he looked wounded.

'I understand," He muttered shoving Jarrod's arms off. He stormed into the house, slamming the door behind him. I let out a breath threw my teeth before walking up to Bentley. He had some blood dripping from his nose and busted lip.

'You alright Bentley?" I asked stepping up to him. He held up his hands I frowned at him confused.

"I just need to take a walk to cool off." Before I had a chance to offer to go with him he had turned and sped off. I looked to the rest of the boys wondering what I should do. They all shrugged.

"Does he know?" Jarrod asked.

"Know what?"

"About us," I looked to the ground embarrassed. The truth was I really did want to tell him but I was scared of what he would say. And also there had never been a good time to just bring it up into conversation.

"Well I think you should do it soon," Ryan said nodding towards the driveway where a group of boys on motorbikes where pulling up. Even after all the drama that just went down I couldn't help but smile when I saw the boys walking over.

The all crowded around me pulling me into a group hug. Once I had said hello to all of them, Ben one of my favourites out of them all walked up to me and picked me up hugging my nice again.

“Its been a long Benny Boy,”

“To long Lex,” He whispered back. He was still holding me up when someone cleared their throat from behind us. Ben gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before plopping me down. I turned around to see a very angry Bentley glaring at us.

“What the hell is this?” He snapped looking between me and Ben. I rolled my eyes and shook me head.

“You don’t need to get jealous,” I promised him rolling my eyes.

“And why the hell not. When I see you hugging and kissing and flirting away with a guy of course I’m going to be jealous,” He snapped again, anger evident in his voice. I could see both his fist clenched at his sides, Crap he better not be thinking about hitting one of these boys. I could help but roll my eyes again when a few of the boys instinctively stepped in front of me, worried that he might hit me.

“What the hell are you doing?” He growled at Ben and Jeremy who were blocking my view. Usually it would be Jarrod in front of me but because he knew that I was dating Bentley he just sat there enjoying the show.

“Who the hell are you?” Ben asked sizing him up.

“I’m her boyfriend who are you?”

“Your dating this seriously?” Jeremy asked looking back at me. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

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