Chapter 4

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I stopped and looked around. The forest was  eerily quiet. I felt it again. A hard, cold stare, burning a hole right through me. I looked around slowly, fingering my knife. There it was. Two yellow eyes, staring right at me. I froze. I knew that if I made the slightest move, I was dead meat. Whatever it was, it looked mean. And hungry.
And then it happened. I felt a tickling in my nose and then... Ah...Ahh.. ACHOOOO!! Instantly the thing let out a roar and lunged at me. I felt razor sharp claws rake my chest and I let out a shriek of pain. I pulled out my knife and plunged it into the thing. It yelped and fell to the ground. It staggered up again but I was ready. I speared it again and it fell once more, this time dead. I slowly walked toward it. I could make out some of its features now. It looked like a large dog, with long black claws and glistening teeth. Then all at once it disintegrated. Soon I was just standing in front of a bare patch of ground, with my mouth hanging open. All at once I felt the pain. It felt like my chest was on fire. I staggered into a nearby stream, hoping the cool water would reduce the pain. It did something. After a few minutes I got up again and let out a sigh. Boy did that feel good! I was about to go back in when someone... Or someTHING whispered. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I broke out in cold sweat. It said
"We know where you are. We are watching your every move..."

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