Chapter 4*

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I walk into class early that morning after homeroom. Pre-calculus. I did the homework during class yesterday during the lesson.

I walk to my seat and sit down. I'm the first to arrive so I just put my head down.

I have my head down until the bell rings to signal the start of class.

I sit up and reach for my binder and pencil.

As I grab both things at the same time. My pencil drops from my hand.

I go to reach it but someone with tan skin and dainty hands grab it before I do.

I look up and see its the same boy that plagued my mind last night.

I stare at him while he hands me the pencil.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome" he says

His voice is a bit squeaky and high pitch but has a hint of raspy deepness.

Wow I never thought I would hear someone's voice with that combination. Another thing I didn't expect out of him.

Even if he has soft features for a football player. Also small hands that are 2 sizes smaller then mine.

I move my eyes away from him and look up to the board.

The teacher starts to hand out the class work and says we could work in partners.

I don't like to work in partners because last time everyone only wanted to be partners with me because I was intelligent.

Everyone scurries around to get a partner with their friends.

I'm about to start my work when someone taps me on my clavicle. I turn my neck and see the boy standing beside me.

"Do you wanna work together?" He asked


"Sure" I sigh

He sits in the seat next to me and brings out filter paper.

Right we have to show work. I grab a paper from my binder and go back to the problems.

I am finishing problem two when he taps my humerus to catch my attention. I turn my gaze to him.

"Do you know how to do this? I'm absolute shit at it. I can't do math to save my life."

Then why are you in this class? If you can't do the work go to a lower math.

"Then why do you take this class?"


I look at him waiting for his answer. He looks at me back like he already answered but he didn't. It's not a valid answer.


"I need to take it to graduate. You know we all have to take it. All the seniors" he told me in a tone like I was suppose to know.

I haven't been in high school since I was 13. I don't know and when I went I went higher then pre calculus.

"Ok right?"

"Yea so can you help me?"

"Ok what is the problem?"

"I'm on one you?"


"Wow" he breathed out

"Your smart then like really smart"

"Yea I guess I am. "

So grabbed another sheet of paper and started to write the steps and trying explaining it to him very slowly.

The Two Of Us (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now