Chapter 16*

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Harry POV:

Something seems off now. I can't put my finger on it. I glance around the class room, but everyone is busy with their assignment.

"Mr. Styles eyes on your own paper"

I look up and see Ms. R staring at me with a look that says to keep your eyes on your own paper or it’s all over. I turn back to my paper. Physics. Why again did I decide to take this class. Oh right because I needed it for some retarded reason.

I can't get this feeling to go away. Since Saturday with Liam, Josh, and Ed. three people know my secret now and there not family. Well Ed knew since we were kids and all but still I trust him. I trust Liam and Josh? I think?

After I explained to them they hung out with us until later. Then they went on their marry way home. But why this feeling bothering me.

This want. Wanting to do something. Like I need something. But that's the problem what do I need.

The bell pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up. Everyone is grabbing their things and I look down at my paper. I haven’t wrote down anything.

"Fuck it" I grab my pencil and just start answering the questions while I walking to the teacher. She is standing there receiving all the papers when I hand her mine.

I just nod at her and start out of the the door.

I shake my head and smile as I walk to my table.

But my smile falters as I see Louis sitting there talking to josh and Liam.

I feel my heart start to pump faster and that feeling is there again.

The want.

I continue walking till I get to them and I take a seat.

“Hello lads”

“Harry” they all say in union.

“So why did Ms. Want to see you?” Liam asks

I take out my lunch. Trying to stall time to think of something.

“You know. Course work” I mumble

I guess that satisfies his curiosity because he doesn’t ask again. I feel someone staring and I look up and see blue eyes staring at me. I feel heat rising into my cheeks and I look down. Why does my body react this way around this boy all the time? I don’t understand?

The table is quiet except for josh and Liam rambling on some footy game that was on TV last night. I don’t bother trying to join.

I still feel Louis staring at me. So I just ignore him and keep eating. I bring out my book and start reading. The book is kind of worn out and the pages are all crumpled at the edges but it’s one of my favorites. I open at my book mark and start reading.

“It was in the clove of seasons, summer was dead but autumn had not yet been born, that the ibis lit in the bleeding tree. The flower garden was strained with rotting brown magnolia petals and ironweeds grew rank amid the purple phlox. The five o’clock by the chimney still marked time, but the oriole nest in the elm was untenanted and rocked back and forth like an empty cradle. The last graveyard flowers were blooming, and their smell drifted across the cotton field and through every room in our house, speaking softly the names of our dead.”- Scarlet Ibis

I was interrupted with a tapping on my arm. I grunted and tried to keep reading.

“It’s strange that all” tap “this is still so clear” tap “ to me, now that summer has long” tap “since fled and time has had its way”

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