chapter 19*

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Harry POV

It feels like I’m high right now. Like I’m walking on water or air. I feel alive, more alive than I have felt in a long time.

I stare up at my ceiling and I just, cat wrap my mind around why Louis would pick me to go on a date with.

Like what is so special about me?

I’m mean. Okay not towards him but to people I don’t like.

I’m a genius. Witch he doesn’t know about but probably should if this thing lasts.

I’m not very social.

I hate stupid people.

I like to read. Well who doesn’t? Idiots.

I figure out stuff about people by just looking at them and use it against them. Which is fun in a way.

I have like one best friend.

And two more now. Which is an accomplishment.

It just doesn’t add up.

Anything he dose doesn’t add up. He always catches me by surprise.

But at the same time it does. He makes me feel so… good I can’t even describe the feeling. The feeling I get when he is just near me makes me quiver. I can’t shake the feeling off because it’s all I feel and I’m terrified.

I’m terrified of getting… hurt if I let him in more. But what is there left for him to take. He already has what’s most valuable to me my heart. In which I didn’t think I had because I was told multiple time that I didn’t have one.

I read once in a book a quote that I always will remember.

“The greater capacity you have to love, the greater capacity to feel the pain”

So I just went with not letting people in and just pushed them away. I learned this at a young age so you could guess why I didn’t have friends.

Except for Ed he kept coming even if I pushed him away.

He worked so hard for my trust but for Louis I let my guard down because I wanted to know about him. I wanted to see what made him different with other people. Why I couldn’t seem do figure him out with a glance?

I still don’t know why, but I will find out.

The kiss.

It felt amazing. I have never felt so much pleasure with just a kiss.

I smiled as I lifted my hand and touched my lips for the 156th time. I reach around for my phone and turn it on and see what time it is. Its 2:56am.

I click it off and pull the blankets up and close my eyes.

I let myself relax and just let drowsiness take over me.

And hopefully have a peaceful sleep.


I wake up to my phone ringing and I reach to grab it and open my eyes to answer it.

“H-hello” I mumbled into the phone tiredly

“Harry Love did I wake you?”

I bring my phone from my ear and look at it to see if my assumption is right. And it is. It’s my mum.

“Hi mum and yes you did”

“I’m sorry. It’s just you haven’t called since you left and I was getting worried”

Yeah right. Don’t get me wrong I love my mum because she is the woman who gave birth to me and everything but still. She is so overbearing and controlling.

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