chapter 18*

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Harry POV:

“Would you go on a date with me?” Louis says

I stare at him shocked. I feel heat rise to my cheeks.

“What?” I say my voice sounding more raspy than usual. I cleared my throat while feeling it tighten.

“Uh will you go on a date… with… me?” Louis say nervously now.

I stare at him with my mouth open and closing like a fish out of water. I can’t breathe. I gasp for air. Breath. Breath harry. Breath.

“Why?” oh god harry. That’s all you have to say. Say yes dumbass.

“Uh I have been wanting to ask you but I finally grown the balls to ask you and all you could say is why.” Louis says in a frustrated tone.

He looks at me with sadness and hurt in his eyes.

“Never mind let’s pretend this didn’t hap-“Louis started but I interrupted.


He stopped and looked at me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I opened them and looked him in the eye to give him my answer.

“Yes” I said


I cleared my throat and stepped closer. “Yes. I would love to go on a date with you”


“I would have said no if I didn’t want to but I said yes.”

His face broke into a smile as he stared at me and his eyes were glazed over again.

“Saturday at 6pm I’ll be there to pick you up.”

“Okay” I breathe out

He smiles then starts walking back towards the football field. He jumps in the air and doing a little fist pump. I cover my mouth to keep the laugh from bubbling out. He turns around and sees me watching and turns red and waves. I wave back.

I shake my head while looking down and put my stuff in my car. I have a lot to do before this date.

I sit in the car and smile. I put the car in reverse and I’m driving home.


I grab a shirt from my closet and put it on and look in the mirror. Nope not this one. I pull it off and throw it somewhere on the floor with the rest of the clothes.

I rake my fingers through my hair and groan in frustration. Ugh why can’t I just pick an outfit for the date?

That’s when it clicks I grabbed my phone off my dresser and dialing the one number that I know. She could help me she does this for a living.

“Hello” Lou says

“Lou I need your help” I say franticly.


“Yes. Now I need your help. I’m going on a date and I don’t-“

“Wait you’re going on a date?”

“Yes don’t sound so surprised” I tell her

“It’s just you never went out and now you are”

“I know. But I need help and I think I really like him and he just gets my heart racing and my hands get all sweaty. I can’t seem to think when he is around and I have been getting dreams and I just don’t know what they mean. I’m a jumbled mess when I’m around him and I can’t talk. Please you need to help me and I don’t ask for help often and-“

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