chapter 1

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hi, my name is PPL 1826 I live in a world with no differences,  people walk around seeing themselves. Everyone in our world have brown eyes brown hair brown skin. you may think my name is unusual and would be weird being all called the same but in my world having different names would change everything. i am just like the others brown hair brown eyes, well that's what i thought. this is my story.....

it was a dark night you could only faintly see the stars behind the pitch black background i was like always, sitting on my stained couch with only the light of the crackling fire to see with. The city was quite, more than usual. Some event is probably on over the other side of town. i have no idea what goes on in the rest of the world all i know of what is happening is what i see out the small broken window in the kitchen i din't sleep that night.

There was a loud scream outside my door in the morning, someone probably saw their reflection in a puddle of water, that happens alot because my world i live in, we have no mirrors so no one ever sees them self in person  they just think they look like what others look like i will escape someday. i am running, from my little jail i have been kept in for over 3 yrs i am running to see the world i will run until i find my family to say I'm sorry for what ever reason. i will not stop until there is barely any skin left on the soles of my feet, i am determined to find them. That is the last i could remember of my strange world. my life got turned upside down i believed there could be a change and now it is coming true.

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