Part 3

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My Tree❤

Authors Note: Alright so Yn and the family ate breakfast at Benny's and went to visit Yns Mom

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Authors Note: Alright so Yn and the family ate breakfast at Benny's and went to visit Yns Mom. But remember Yns mom is still in The Eastern part of United states. Well Yns mom is living in her second house right now.

(11:09 a:m)

(Yns mom house)

(Just got there )

Yn:Mommy I'm homee

Mom:Hey baby (kisses your cheek) Hey Craig (gives him a hug then turns to Aiyana)Aiyana my babyyyy (picks her up )We gonna have so much fun today I'm off for the whole Christmas days

Yn;Aren't you excited

Aiyana:Yeah,Grandma can we make cookies

Prod:Chocolate chip please

Mom:Sure hey Craig can you go to the store and pick up a few stuff for me

Prod:Of course(picks up his keys  and leaves texting in his phone )

(Car pulls away)

Yn:Mom the nearest store is a couple miles away

Mom:Girl I know I just wanted some time ALONE with my girls  (pulls you on for a hug )I've missed yo sassy ass.Tell me all about your life

Yn:Well it's a long story(pours two seltzer waters)

Mom;We got all the time in the world (brings your hand to the couch)I'm all ears

Yn:(breathes and tells her everything )

Mom:Damn girl everything coming up

Yn:I know I gotta tell Prod and everyone else.

Mom:I'm excited to see caramel boy he prolly looking all fat now that prison food you know

Yn:(bust out laughing )

Mom:No now I'm serious about this.Wait rewind you and Tyler are speaking again

Yn:Yeah but I'm letting her in slowly you know

Mom:Thats good I'm glad ya'all are talking again ya been friends since the daycare

Yn:(smiles) I really missed you mom (tears up) I missed you

Mom:awww I missed you too no crying on Christmas

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