Fight Night

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(Mc Donald's)

Yn POV:Right y'all so I'm at ms.Donalds im getting some food cause a bitch hungry I'm getting some shamrock shakes pink for me and green for best friend and some chicken nuggets and fries Cuz they be bomb Ima little fat ass if ya don't know so now I'm driving to Tyler's house now .We both turnt the fuck up and we mad and still a little tipsy from last night so this gonna be over in like twenty minutes.

(Yn pulls up)

Yn:Bitch waited for me at the doe

Tyler:Girl I told you I was ready
( gets in)

Yn:So I got us so food Cuz we always hungry ,here some protein from the chicken and shake .Some dairy from the shake and starch from the shake and fries

Tyler: All leads back to the shake ( sips)

Yn:Of course be saving lives help me deliver these babies.

Tyler:Pull in here

Yn:(pulls in)Oh right

Tyler:Yes they gotta car finna take out all her teeth Princeton won't kiss her now that she look like Abuela

Yn:(laughing) You ain't right

Tyler: So you don't bangs with Prince since when(eating)

Yn:So basically after Roc went in ,Ray is ray ,You and me wasn't on terms period I thought I had Princeton and Prod to count on .I couldn't tell my mom soon after Prince stopped calling ,called me once after started coming to my house, barely would say a word Im like nigga you in my house I own that house.Yo ain't gon speak

Tyler:Oh naaaah


(The girls waiting and the others didn't arrive then 45 minutes later a car pulls up)

Tyler:(hops out)You fucking made it bitches so fucking late black people always late to shit.

Girl:Bitch you lucky I showed up I was fucking my man then I remembered I gotta beat the hoe that won't disappear.(ties hair up)

Tyler: Shut the hell up stank ass and let's dance.

(They start fighting)

Girl #2:(comes out of car and walks over to you)

Yn:So basically if you jump in Ima pounce on yo ass like a kitty cat, if you don't I'll give you some fries

Girl #2:Alright bet
POV:This bitch

Tyler: (on top of the girl punching her in her head)

Girl #2:Oh helll nawwwww(run to Tyler and kicks her in her stomach )

Yn:I warned you mother fucker(pounces on her )


:Picture Yn as the girl In the black shirt .💅

Girl #2:(trys to spit)

Yn:oh no honey keep your thot juice in your mouth (nasty ass)


(Yn dropped Tyler off and heads back home)

Yn:Honey I'm home

Roc:(comes to the door dressed up)Hey baby don't take off your shoes we going out to dinner

A\N:You changed back into your work clothes so that you wouldn't have to explain to Roc.

Yn:Awww thank you

(Then ya get into the car)

(Ya then pull up to a big house)

(Roc knocks on the door  )

YnPOV:Oh shitttttt


Yessss guys I'm getting better two updates in one day I'm tryna keep it like this vote for the next part and tell you're r friends about  this story get Somebody famous to 1k it would mean so much❤

Word count: 546

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