Dinner is served

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YnPov:Hey guys Icey taking me on a drama trip as soon as I open the doe I see the bitch I beat up Omgaaaaaahhheddd


Yn:Honey I'm home

Roc:(comes to the door dressed up)Hey baby don't take off your shoes we going out to dinner

Yn:Awww thank you

(Then ya get into the car)

(Ya then pull up to a big house)

(Roc knocks on the door  )

Yn:Oh shittttttt

(Present day)

Roc:What happened (looking at you weird)

Yn: Oh nothing I forgot my necklace

Roc:Oh Ight sorry Jordyne (pulls her into a hug)This is my girlfriend Yn YLN


Jordyne:Mm(looks you up and down and walks back in)

YnPOV:Damn it, she Roc sister

Roc Mom:HeyYnhowyoudoingcall meCindyimsogladIfinallymetyouwehavesomuchtotalkabout

Yn:Mama breathe(laughs)

Roc:(gives his mom some water)


Jordyne:Shit ill take this gotta lotta talking to do

Jordyne:Shit ill take this gotta lotta talking to do

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Dad:(comes down)Chresanto is that you

Roc:In the flesh

Dad:Give your old man a hug

(They hug)

Dad:Ayye okay you didn't get puffy

Roc:Gotta stay in shape for this one  (grabs your hand)

Dad:This must be the famous Yn ( pulls you in for a hug

Yn:I see where Roc gets his strength from ( chuckles)

Dad:(pulls you aside) I just wanna tell you that I appreciate you in Roc's life he need someone like you .Growing up he ain't had too many people get close to him you can forget about girls Then he started with MB .Who came along a brightened up his world.He really loves you nugget( laughs)

Yn:Thank you so much and nugget?

Dad:He calls you that secretly (shush sign)

Mom:Dinners ready

(Ya gather around the table and say grace )


:Skipping to halfway finished with food

Jordyne: So Yn you ate ,is you ready (wiping her mouth)

Yn:For (eating her string beans)

Jordyne: Yn dont act all innocent no you as ghetto as my ass

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