The Awakening - Prolouge

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If I get 3 votes and maybe 10 views I'll update chapter 1 it's already up and ready to go. I just want to know that someone wants to read it. - C

We heard a steady rumble of feet continuously thumping against the hard floor in an almost rhythmic sound. We instantly went on high alert. No one here but three people Gemma, Argon and me. No way could that old lady be making that much noise. I argued with Argon about leaving but he refused due to not wanting to leave a man behind. The patter of feet had turn into a dull roar by now, I started to freak out, not knowing if Gemma would make it out in time.

She made it though. It was the fastest I'd seen her hobble. I thought she would make it safe and sound. Seems mother nature just decided to screw with me today. A steady trail of blood dripped from an injury on her left leg. She motioned for us to leave, wiping blood that had leaked out from her mouth. When she reached me she shoved a book into my hand and tried to push Argon away.

"Go! Leave! You don't need me now. I fulfilled my destiny. It's in your hands now. Don't let them get their hands on that book!"

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