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"It was only just under 700 years, my ancestors come upon a dragon and his rider fighting for their very lives. After the battle was over, the rider and her dragon were lying on the ground awaiting an almost certain death. They took pity on you. Or as others say it was for their own benefit. They cast a spell ensuring you're survival, you were to sleep until the injuries you had acquired were healed."

'She's talking about us. They should've let us die.' Agony was laced through my thoughts.

'Hush young one. If it is the fates choice for us to continue on our paths, then so be it.'

"This whole place was built just to hide you two. It took many years, but none have found it yet. It was built after the war went in the wrong direction. Your side may have won, but they did not win all. After both leaders, and many people had fallen, they stopped fighting. Both sides agreed there needed to be change. The change however was not something we were expecting, especially at how your second in command accepted the terms. All magic users were forbidden from using magic for any reason. Then the dragon riders were banished. If they were to return death was to be set upon them. Humans were strong again. They weren't weak to those with magic, because there was none. Soon witches and wizards started to diminish, no one needed powers, so the young weren't taught. That was our downfall. We were stupid. Stupid to believe that if there was such things as dragon riders, that there wouldn't be other creatures. We left ourselves defenceless to those with power. They haven't been here for long. 170 years ago we saw ships on our horizon, nobody thought it was anything to be worried about. At first everything was fine, we welcomed the creatures that came out of the boats. We taught them our basic language, structure of society. No one questioned them. We had become lazy with our history lessons. Someone should have questioned the next fleet of ships. Instead we were slaughtered. Their time here was to learn about us, develop a plan to kill. A rider must have found them in their adventures. They killed anyone that posed a threat. Anyone left, ran to the mountains, back to the tunnels of old. We couldn't have hoped to beat the Morocnids without help. The idea of fighting back seem foreign, but they have weaknesses. None we could've exploited, but you can. My mother found out to kill them, she told me and the next day, on her travels to her sister she was killed."

A shrill ear piercing squeal burst forward from above us. We both dropped to the ground in misery covering our ears in hopes of extinguishing the sound. We waited each painful second one at a time. After a couple of minutes the sound became bearable and we were able to stand. I looked at her raising my eyebrow wondering what excuse she would come up with. It only took a second to realise that this was her worst nightmare. She stood shaking looking around absolutely mortified, mumbling to herself. If I thought her ramblings were bad before, now I don't even think she was speaking a language of any kind.

'Akail, I think she is having a panic attack. Whatever has happened I want you out of there now.'

Panic attack. Right. I quickly scurried over the table not bothering with going around. I made sure to get right in her face.

"Breath. All you have to do is breath. We need to get out of here. Now!" My words hit her like a slap to the face.

"You need sword and a book before you can leave."

Seriously old lady. A book?

She ran to the table throwing herself into the side in hopes of pushing it to the side. Knowing she needed help I spun into action pushing the table over with ease. She instantly fell to her knees and started chanting. Her chanting was causing the floor to shudder and move as she asked. A hole split open in the ground and a crevice appeared.

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