Chapter 2 - Confused

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I looked around to see a neatly furnished, slightly small apartment with the occasional sword hung on the wall which I do not think is decorative but none the less the flat had a crisp and homely feel to it, but I can't stay, my mind panicked. What if I never get out? What's happening? I saw in the corner of my eye the sliver gleam of a knife. My hand crept along the island towards the knife slowly but surely I grabbed a hold of the rough black handle and started to walk up behind the boy when I saw in the reflective surface of the kettle, half covered in condensation, blue, a bright, electric blue just for a second, a split second and then it was gone. I was then pulled out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my left arm running up to my shoulder and the knife was gone, yanked out of my other hand, I turned around to see the boy, his eyes glinting on the surface of the knife help in his left hand and his right holding my arm behind my back. I stood there awestruck by the poise and speed of the blue eyed boy when he suddenly spoke cutting through the silence.

'That isn't the first time someone has tried to kill me in my own kitchen before.'

'Who are you?' I asked being the first of the many questions to be plucked from the collection.

'Alexander Lightwood, you can call me Alec' He said tilting his head slightly, 'everyone does, I would ask who you are Magnus Bane but I already know.' he continued as he let go of my arm and placing the knife on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

'How do you know me?' I asked stunned at his knowledge when I had never met him before.

'You have had dealings with the Lightwoods before Magnus Bane and you may not have noticed but every time you came to our door there was a small boy, a curious boy peeking out from another room wanting to get his first glimpse of a Warlock, not just any Warlock but the High Warlock of Brooklyn.

'And why did you save me?' I asked

'Because you were helpless, you had nothing I have known that feeling, the feeling of not knowing which way is up of wanting to bury your head in the sand but no matter how hard you try it won't work, because I think Magnus Bane everyone needs to get up eventually, everyone deserves a second chance'

I sat in silence as he pushed a place of food towards me.

'Eat, it will help, get you thinking straight again' He said as I saw his eyes not the eyes of a boy, but the eyes of a man, a soldier, someone who has seen life and knows it's rules, knows the unforgiving ways of life. One who hides it all in those bright blue eyes.


Okay so I was feeling creative so I updated! YAY *Cheering* I know this doesn't happen often so enjoy it and if anything is confusing to you (Shadowhunters, warlocks, the Lightwoods) just ask I hope you like the new chapter and a proper title and cover I've been busy for you guys okay

Keep calm and wait for Sherlock Season 3!

The Boy with the Blue eyesWhere stories live. Discover now