sore boobs

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Hair was being pulled on, your breathings started to get heavier, tongues fighting for dominance, you and Luke were laid on his bunk, trying to obtain the past 3 months you've have been separated. Switching positions Luke hovered over you and started to kiss your neck. Nippling softly on your skin he started to trace kisses along your collarbone, sure enough leaving small hickeys along. After what felt like years he finally went back to your lips, starting out with a little kiss, but it soon turned deeper and more passionate. Totally caught in the moment Luke slipped his hand under your shirt, tracing it towards your bra, leaving patterns along your skin, before grabbing your boob, squeezing it in process. A mix between a squeal and a moan, left your lips and you pulled away slightly looking down at Luke's hand. Removing his hand quickly he let out a sigh before asking "Did I do something wrong?" worry clear on his face. "No I'm just having sore boobs. Shouldn't matter my period is coming soon let's get this done before it catches up with us." You muttered pulling him down for another kiss.

"Shit" you cursed spreading all of your stuff out of your back, and onto the hotel bed, nuzzling around to find your sports bra. "This can't be happening." You muttered double checking everything. Yep you've forgotten your sports bra at home and now, you had to play football in the hotels sport hall without any support for your breasts. Already knowing it was too late to cancel, you grabbed you normal bra, placing it on yourself and pulled a football t-shirt over. "I'll just play defender I guess." You muttered, standing in front of the mirror and pulled your hair in a ponytail. – "Go after the ball Y/N!" Calum yelled, after Luke had shot the ball towards you trying to reach a goal. Knowing you had to run you placed your hands on your boobs and started to race over the ball, making a slight kick, letting it fly towards Michael, a couple of feet away. "What was that about?" Calum exclaimed amused and confused on the same time. "Sore boobs." You shrugged going back to you position.

"You've still got Finding Nemo on DVD?" He asked amused, taking the DVD out of the pile of movies you were cleaning. "Yeah like daah it's the best movie ever." You exclaimed in a snobby tone not wanting him to throw it out. "Do we really have to keep it?" He asked in a mocked tone. "I'll just collect dust." "I don't care it's my favourite Disney movie, we can't just throw it out." You said in a serious tone, but it was soon replaced with a giggle. Looking each other in the eyes Michael finally gave in and let you keep the movie. Reaching out with his arm, to put the DVD in the pile with "Keeping" He hit your right boob with his arm. A squeal left your mouth and you looked at Michael wide eyed. Letting his arms up in surrender he let out a "What did I do now." And you broke into a fist of giggles. "Sore boobs. Properly close to my period I think." You said. "Oh great just what I needed." He moaned and you smacked his arm.

Turning off the stove, Ashton took the pan of the heat, and placed it on a trivet, preventing it from burning your dinner table. "Y/N" he yelled towards the stairs. "Breakfast is ready." Letting out a yawn, you sprinting down the stairs, grabbing your boobs in process to prevent them from bouncing too much. Standing at the end of the staircase Ashton raised one eyebrow looking questionably at you. "What?" you asked letting your arms fall to your sides. "What are you doing with your breasts, may I ask?" He muttered walking over to the dinner table, placing a bag of bread. "You know like, when you don't wear a bra, they kind of get bouncy, and I'm close to my period, so their sore." You explained, small giggles leaving your lips. His mouth curled into a "o" shape before a cheeky smile plastered across his face. "Want me to massage them?" he grinned heading towards you. "Not even a chance babe." You commented walking past him back towards the dinner table, smacking his butt in process.

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