his girlfriend hates you 2

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"You look like someone who could use a drink?" A raspy voice said from your left. "Is it that bad?" You answered not taking your eyes away from Luke's intimidating moment with Alana, almost choking her with his tongue. "Come on." Michael chuckled reaching his hand out for you to take it and you obliged, taking his hand letting him lead you into the living room filled with people. He lead you over to a table covered up with used cups and alcohol. Sliding his hand around a blue bottle he filled up two small classes. "Cheers." He smiled lifting up his class, waiting for you to do the same. Looking down at the bluish colored liquid, you hesitated for a moment before muttering out a cheers, letting the thick liquid stream down your throat, your face now expressing out a disgusted look. "What the hell is this." You muttered placing the cup back on the table, grabbing a can of soda to drink the terrible taste away. "I don't even know." Michael laughed at your expression, yourself already feeling the alcohol affecting in your body. "Wanna sit down?" Michael asked slightly seeing your swaying state, yourself nodding letting him led you over to one of the sofas. Michael placed himself on the sofa, and you didn't hesitate to sit on his lap. "Okay." He said amusement, making you giggle slightly.
"You know I've always wanted to kiss those plumb lips of yours." You said quietly letting your thumb slide over Michaels bottom lip making him give your thumb a light peck which earned a giggle from you. A lazy smile came across Michael's face, and he leaned closer to your face muttering out a "Wanna try?" Before capturing his lips with yours. He wrapped his arm around your hip pulling you closer as you reached your hand behind his neck, pulling onto his hair making him groan. Normally you weren't a person to kiss your best friend's best friends but the confidence boost from the alcohol made your mind white and the feeling of Michael's lips actually relaxed you. "I ship it." Calum laughed, pointing towards Michael and yours little scene on the couch making Luke scuff. "What the hell did you mean by that?" Luke hissed as Calum went past through him, making Calum's face turn into a grimace. "They're cute." He shrugged, making Luke narrow his eyes. "They're disgusting." Luke commented, Calum now trying to hide and smirk. "Jealous?" "Not at all." Luke fake cheered making Calum laugh at the blond haired boy. "I've been watching them the past hour. He's almost drowning her in his drool." Luke pointed out, making Calum look at the two of you, slowly kissing each other passionately. "You've got one problem." Calum said, pointing towards Alana. "I can't handle this – I just." Luke mumbled out muffled words letting his hands smack his forehead, letting them fall down to his cheeks. "I can't watch this anymore. I'm out." He announced giving you and Michael one last glance before walking over to Alana taking her with him.

As the sound of the door was shut, the boys let out a sigh of relief, all leaning back against their spots. "What was that?" You asked timidly, the tension from before still eating you. "She – Is – A – Fucking – Nightmare." Michael said dramatically the other boys nodding in agreement. "But she's Cal's girl. We gotta treat her right." Ashton reminded making Michael groan again. "Not me." Luke breathed, pulling out his phone. "Why not?" Michael asked, filling his mouth with popcorn. I swear if she's gonna be rude to Y/N again I'm gonna choke her with that freaking piece of makeup brush she's carrying everywhere. Not the way she treats Y/N. I don't fucking care about Cal, I think we're even now if it's gonna be on that way." The ever so timidly boy exclaimed making Ashton and Michaels mouth popping out, small pieces of popcorn from Michaels mouth falling down to the cushion. "Nice to see I'm not the only one who has noticed." You mumbled standing up from the couch. "Where you going?" Luke asked standing up as well, making you sigh. "Outside. Need some fresh air. Alone." You made an extra press on the alone, making Luke nod, sitting back on the couch again.
The sound from the door cracking open, made you turn your gaze towards the noise, seeing Luke standing there with a blanket in his hand. Letting out a sigh you gave him a pouty shrug before turning your gaze towards Ashton's garden, the night clear and stars everywhere. "Thought you might be freezing." He said walking over to you, placing the blanket around your shoulders. "Thank you." You muttered not taking your gaze away from the sky. "Listen Y/N I know that you're pissed-""I am not fucking pissed." You defended making Luke take a step away from you, his hands still holding the rack. "I'm just sad I guess." You confessed looking over at Luke to see him already staring at you. "She's got him wrapped around her little finger. Cal is too blinded. I can't get in any contact with him. I don't even think I remember a day we've been together just the two of us. She took Calum away from me Luke. And the worst part is that he hasn't even realized it yet." You said your bottom lip starting to tremble making Luke take action, pulling you into his chest. As the silence fell on both of you, you tried your hardest to hold in the tears, but of course everytime you thought about Calum, small salty tears started to fell down your cheeks, making your vision blurred, burying your head into Luke's chest. "How about I take you home? We can have one of those movie nights that you and Cal always used to have. I promise it will be fun." Luke suggested looking down at you with a hopeful expression, making you nod. "Yay" He laughed pulling you into the house again.

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