Chapter One~

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(Y/N) Your Name
(L/N) Last Name
(H/C) Hair Color
(H/S) Hair Style
(F/C) Favorite Color
(F/B) Favorite Book
(B/N) Brothers Name

"I SWEAR TO IRENE! IF THAT STUPID ALARM CLOCK DOESN'T SHUT UP I WILL KILL IT!" (Y/N) yelled as she shot up out of bed, angrily pressing the snooze button on her alarm clock. After it finally shut up, (Y/N) rolled out of bed and walked into her closet, changing from her (F/C) pajamas to her new school uniform.
(Y/N) has no idea why her mom made her transfer to this new school, she was perfectly happy in O'khasis prep but her mom said that going to this other school would help her actually make some friends. Unlikely story.
"(Y/N) Hurry up and get ready! Your brother is about to leave and I want him to walk you to school!" Her mother yelled. (Y/N) sighed and quickly brushed her (H/S) (H/C) hair.
She ran down stairs and grabbed her lunch box and book bag, walking out of the door with her older brother, not bothering to eat any breakfast.
"So, are you ready for your first day of school?" (B/N) asked, breaking through the awkward silence. "Yeah, I guess, I wish I still was going to O'khasis prep though, I don't think I'm going to like it here." (Y/N) said. "Aww, come on, Phoenix Drop High is the best, I think you'll love it!" (B/N) said, giving a reassuring smile. "If you say so.." (Y/N) muttered. "Look! Here we are!" He exclaimed.
(Y/N) looked up to see a huge high school. "Meh." She said. "Hey! Look, there are some of my friends, I'll introduce you to them." (B/N) said. He grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and pulled her over to a group of people. "Hey guys!" He exclaimed.
A blonde headed boy with ocean blue eyes smiled. "Hey! Uh, who's this?" He asked. "This is (Y/N), my little sister, she just transferred here." (B/N) said. "Really!? So did my little brother, hey, Vylad!" The boy yelled. "Oh, by the way, I'm Garroth." He smiled.
A boy walked up with Dark Brown hair and Bright Green eyes. "(Y/N), Vylad. Vylad, (Y/N)." Garroth said.
Vylad smiled shyly and waved. (Y/N) waved back. "Oh, that's Laurence, That's Dante and that's Travis." (B/N) said pointing to some other boys. "And this is Aphmau!" Garroth said, pointing to a short girl with black hair and amber eyes.
"So what school did you transfer from?" Garroth asked with curiosity clear in his voice.
"O-O'khasis prep." (Y/N) muttered shyly. "Really!? Me too!" Vylad piped up. "No way!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "I can't believe I've never noticed you before." Vylad chuckled. "Me neither, but to be honest I kept to myself most of the time.." (Y/N) said.
A loud school bell rang through the noise of talking students.
"Wanna walk to class together?" Vylad asked. (Y/N) nodded excitedly.

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