Where Are You People ?

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I crushed a plant's leaf in my hands and put it on the Fox's paw.
I remember seeing a picture of this plant in tommy's book. It was supposedly a medicinal herb which had medicinal properties .

The Fox made a weird yelping sound of pain.
"Its alright buddy...It's going to be fine I promise." I assured it.

I tied a piece of my jeans around it's paw in a knot. I really loved that Fox and it seemed to love me back too as it tried to sniff my shoes and rub itself against my pant.

I turned to leave. I expected the fox to just go back on its way but it followed me everywhere. No matter where I went it followed me.

I looked everywhere for others but I could not find anyone. I was lost...all alone.... not a soul in sight but the fox.

"Don't panic... Don't panic... Don't panic!" I repeated trying to stay calm down.

I had forgotten about Tommy since the fox distracted me.

Then I realized I was completely and utterly lost, all alone in a strange forest with a fox, and Tommy was nowhere in sight.

As I played with the fox's fur I could feel the panic increasing slowly and steadily within me.

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