Defeat Without Honor

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We went up North to where many super cells were forming. We got up there and I was on my laptop looking at the conditions. "Looks like it's gonna be a huge storm" I said "Great!" Tommy said. We got into Yazoo city, Mississippi and we seen the tornado heading right for the city. We yelled out the windows for everyone to get underground. We had to get out of the city and quick "Step on it Tommy" I said. He sped through the city and tried to get to the top of a hill. "STOP!" I yelled and the Dominatrix came to a stop. What was in front of us was destructive but yet amazing and beautiful. 

In front of us was an amazing destructive EF3 tornado. As it crossed our path power lines and trees fell down, smashing the ground below them. "You're welcome" I said "Yeah thanks" Chase said. After what happened we couldn't get past the trees and power lines so we had to turn around and go back through the city. We went as fast as we could and we had to stop near a farm and watched the destruction as it tore through Yazoo city. Chase video taped it and I sat on the hood of the Dominatrix. Brandon sat with me and Tommy had his laptop, tracking the storm and watched as the winds shifted towards us. "Uh guys" Tommy said with with worry in his voice. "Yeah" Brandon said, confused about what was happening. "The winds are shifting towards Clearwater" He said "That means it's coming......." Chase started "Towards us" I finished his sentence. We watched as the thunder roared and the lightning cracked across the sky. The storm was far from over and it was stating to grow in size. It was going to go all the way down through Oklahoma and through Clearwater, our home. This was the biggest storm I've ever seen, and it was far from over. With the winds growing in speed, we were gonna have to think of a plan......and fast!

I was looking at the laptop when I got a text from my friend, Ally. "Hey. I just wanted to let you know to stay clear of Clearwater" the message read "Why" I replied, confused and worried "Someone lit a fire in the woods and it jumped the lake. I couldn't get a hold of you 2 days ago when it started. They are evacuating everyone from Clearwater and we have to move south" she wrote "Oh my gosh! How bad is it?" I asked. Our conversation went on and on about the topic, she told me about the fire and how it was destroying Clearwater and that everyone only had 30 mins to get out. Ally also told me that she went to the house and got as much as she could, which was our clothes, pictures, equipment, and out safe of money. I thanked her for being such a good friend and I went back on the laptop and started looking for pictures of the fire. 

Tears ran down my face as I looked at the horrible pictures of our town burning. It was all engulfed in flames. "You couldn't see 2 feet in front of you" I said to myself as I read an article on it. Brandon came over and seen me crying. "Haley?" He asked "What's wrong", I looked at him with worry. "Clearwater is being burned to the ground. It has been for 3 days but Ally couldn't get a hold of me. Our town is going down in flames" I said through the tears. Brandon hugged me tight as I cried into his shoulder. This day just keeps getting better and better.

Hello everyone! I know I've said this in my last update but if you guys can go on social media and use the hashtag's #PrayForFortMcMurray #McMurrayStrong and #AlbertaStrong to get the message out around the world because Fort McMurray could need all the help it can get at this point, and please if you can go to and donate to the cause of helping the residents of Fort McMurray go through this devastating event. Fort Mack and Canada will be so grateful for your support. Thanks everyone and have a great day.

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