14. The Smile

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"You look nice." He tells her without hesitation and a smile on his lips, causing Lydia to roll her eyes while simultaneously blushing. Stiles wasn't joking though. Despite the curly hair thrown into a bun, the dark circles under her eyes, and baggy t-shirt, Lydia was in fact still pretty as ever. Lydia, of course, took the comment as a joke than more of a statement.

"Ready for today?" He asks, causing her to furrow her brows.
"It's schedule Sunday..." Ready for today? She didn't normally do anything on Sunday's. Sunday's were Stiles' day.
"Yeah, I know. I'm taking you to Susan's with me." He smiles at her confusion. She didn't ask him why, only went back upstairs to go get ready.

"You never explained it." Stiles twirls his straw around in his drink before taking a sip.
Lydia furrows her brows."Explained what?"
"'Because it's not here'" he says without hesitation. The boy hadn't forgotten, in fact with each passing day it bothered him more and more.

Lydia smiled. She smiled fully with white teeth and thin lips. He couldn't help but stare at her as she looked down to her soda with that goddamn grin. And she was so beautiful, he would never forget, she was so beautiful and the world would never know her beauty like he did. Only then did he know he wanted that smile to be his.

"Reading takes me somewhere else." She begins to explain how it wasn't here, in this world, in this universe full of all of her troubles. She could be the main character, brave and outgoing, or the clumsy sidekick that screws up occasionally but as long as it wasn't herself. The bell on the cafe door dings and Lydia flinches, scooting further towards the wall on her side of the booth.

"Can you imagine," her voice is low and full of wonder. "an alternate universe with another you and another me? The world would be so parallel to our own you wouldn't even recognize yourself." This time he smiled, listening to the girl go on about different world that didn't exist and stories in books that she had read a million times over. She talked for two more sodas and he swore this was the most he'd ever seen her talk and he never wanted it to end. Because her voice was so soft when she discussed fantasies and unrealistic things she'd conjured up in her head. When she was done, the girl sighed and slumped back in her seat with her eyes closed.

And Lydia was his trouvaille; his something lovely discovered by chance. Because he didn't know what the feeling in his stomach was, in fact he barely even noticed it she was so enticing and interesting to listen to. His face shrinks almost visibly as Lydia begins the cough and he sits up straight.
"You okay?" he asks to which she nods with one final cough and a sip of her drink. After paying for their things, they slip out of the small cafe and back home where Lydia returns to her room and the house falls into silence.

"Where'd you two go?" Almost silent. Stiles lets himself wander into the living room where his father sits on the sofa.
"Susan's." He sighs the word and his father hums with a nod as if that explained everything. But it basically did. Falling into bed Stiles was glad that there would be no school tomorrow and he thanked the heavens for spring break.
She woke him in the middle of the night again.

"Lydia, calm down!" Stiles groans. The girl was shaking him violently and it wasn't until his brain processed her sporadic breathing did he sit up, now fully awake. She was struggling to breath with a hand clasped over her heart and he immediately knew what was happening. Panic Attack.

"Hey, hey you're okay! Lydia! Lydia look at me, you're going to be okay."  His hands find their place on either side of her face as he brushes hair from her eyes before cupping her cheeks. She was scared and he knew, closing her eyes tightly as Stiles attempts to soothe her through the problem. But it was hard. Stiles had had his fair share of these moments, no one really knowing how to calm him down or what they could do to help.
"Lyds, you're fine, it's okay, I've got you." He repeats over and over for what seemed like forever until finally she was calm.

Lydia breathes in shakily, collapsing into Stiles' chest as he pulls her into a hug. And she cries as he holds her, playing with her hair while mumbling how he had her into her ear. He almost cried too because she was so broken and she didn't deserve to be that way. But he holds her and allows her to be weak, a feeling she's told him she hated but was unavoidable.The room falls silent with only a few sniffles from Lydia. Then Stiles did something neither of them was suspecting; he placed a kiss to her temple. The action so small yet it set her a blaze.

In the morning, he was surprised to find her no longer in his arms because he was almost positive he'd fallen asleep with the girl in his lap. Immediately his feet met the floor and he fled downstairs, quickly making his way to the kitchen. She wasn't on the counter either.
"She's with Allison." Mr.Stilinski calls from the living room.
"Wh-what?" Stiles stutters.
The Sherriff folds up his newspaper and looks over the back of the couch. "Lydia. Allison came and got her this morning." The man says, Stiles looking to him with a worried expression.

As if on instinct, He stalks the kitchen in search for his car keys. "Well are the at her house? Because I could go and get her ya know sh-she's not very–"
"Stiles." The boy stops his search, his name stern on the sheriff's lips. He looked unsettled, confused, any emotion on his face barely even readable as his son joins him on the couch. "What happened last night?" He asks.
Stiles swallowed thickly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Lydia was pretty willing to go with Allison this morning when I found her in your room."
Stiles sinks farther into his cushion, looking straight ahead at the blank tv. The teens were innocent and had done nothing wrong but somehow Stiles felt guilty. He half shrugs. "She woke me up and was having a panic attack. I calmed her down and then she started crying... Guess we both fell asleep."
"Nothing more?"
"No! Dad, nothing more." Stiles voice was practically begging to leave the house and get to her.

He needed to make sure she was okay. And yes he trusted Allison and yes he knew he shouldn't be this concerned but he was and there was no stopping it. As if on the cue the front door opened and Stiles was on his feet once again as both girls trickled into the house. Lydia didn't even steal a glance his way, skipping up the stairs with her eyes trained on the ground. Allison looked distraught and with one final glance at where the strawberry blonde disappeared, Stiles went to his best friend.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" He asks, lightly grabbing onto her shoulders and she smiles weakly before pushing her body against his chest. And he was so confused but he held her none the less.
"Lydia's great." She chuckles in a quiet voice that made his heart lurch. It took Allison a while to actually pull herself from his embrace, saying a quick hello to Mr.Stilinski before leading Stiles outside. The boy leaned against the hood of his jeep, waiting for Allison to explain now that they were alone.

And she did with a few tears that she refused to let him wipe away. She was trying to be strong but she didn't understand why the universe had to do horrible things to amazing people. When she was done her hand found its place over her mouth to keep in the sound of shaking whimpers. Stiles was frozen as well, letting out a frustrated "SHIT" while tugging at his hair with one hand, the other on his hip as he paces before sitting on the concrete of the driveway.

"Stiles," Allison grabs his attention with her voice trembling, "you can't tell your dad."
The boy shakes his head, looking over his shoulder to avoid meeting her gaze and teary eyes. "Well we can't just not tell him!" He exclaims, louder than he'd meant.
"Stiles" his name was firmer and more commanding this time, "you can't tell your dad because I told her I wouldn't even tell you."

"Then why did you tell me?!" He yells, this time meeting her eyes and she flinches at the outburst. With a sigh, he apologizes before tugging on her fingers to get her to sit next to him. She does with a sniffle, her head resting on his shoulder.
"Because you deserve to know." Allison mumbles.
Authors note:

Update:my hair looks like Princess Leia
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