Chapter 12

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So i'm not totally happy with this chapter it might need some more work. Been a stressful week and i managed to fit writing it during late in the evenings.

Anywho, bon appetit.

Let me know what you think don't forget to vote and comment. Until next week


Steph ;) ♥♥♥


The men had short cropped hair and wicket smirks. Their steps were cautious and deliberate. Their gaze ever so calculating and triumphant, like they were rejoicing at the fact that they had found me. Judging from their expressions alone, I could tell they were not friendlies. I should really start paying more attention to my surroundings. Signing internally, today really isn’t my day.

“Hello strange guy number one and strange guy number two.”

Reaching behind me for my sword and feeling only an empty space, not even a dagger or a measly throwing star. Realization hitting me like a ton of bricks, my weapons are still hidden in my room back at the school. I didn’t even think to take one small knife, then again I didn’t plan on burning down the school and getting attacked in the forest.

Crap, I’m on my own on this one.

“We’re not strangers. We’ve met before.”

“We have?”

“Yes, but you wouldn’t remember us. We … weren’t as active as the rest of Rubin’s men.”

“Ah, you’re apart of Rubin’s village idiots. Explains a lot.”

“Idots, not so much. See, running into you was kind of an accident, but we always come prepared for any kind of trouble.”

They smiled and pulled out what looked like a tranquilizer gun.

Double crap

“and judging by your lack of your usual accessories we are in luck and that just makes this all the more easier for us.”

 The heavier guy said giddily, "Promotion here we come."

Crap, think Snow, think, looking around for any potential weapons I saw a branch, well not big enough to be called a branch and not small enough to be called a stick, and not to mention a few trees.

They raised their guns to aim and seemingly ran out of time to get to the branch, l went for the next best thing, I doved for cover behind a nearby tree. The darts whizzed pass me and lodged into a tree right in front of me. It was a metallic cylindrical dart with a small bit of red fletch sticking out at the end.

“Come out Snow and make this easier for all of us. We don’t want to hurt you.”

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