Chapter 13

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The drive to the hospital was a super long ride especially since my brother had waves of anger rolling off him. I was afraid to say anything incase it might set him off, and he might change his mind about taking me to the hospital. I wanted to ask him if he had any leads on mom but I guess it could wait until he was in a friendlier mood, in the mean time I had to settle for just seeing Hunter.

We arrived at St. Mercy Hospital, and I practically jumped out of the car  while it was still moving and ran at full speed to the entrance. I rushed up to the reception area, hoping to find someone to point me in the right direction but the nurses station was empty.

“Come on,." Slamming my fists onto the counter in irritation. Why would the nurses station be empty, what if there was an emergency? Calling out , hoping someone would be within hearing range,


I couldn’t stand still, pacing back and forth in agitation and standing on my toes, looking around for anyone in the hopes I would spot someone that could help me. Just then Ryan popped out and shouted,

“Snow he’s over here.”

I ran up to him and we did a speed walk towards where they were keeping Hunter,

“He awake yet?”

“No, the doctors says that he has to sleep it off. If they wake him he’s going to feel the pain of the sedative, he’s going home tonight.”

“Okay… that’s good right? Is he stable? No damages or anything like that?”

“The doctors says that the knife tore a nerve in his shoulder and he’s going to have a tough time moving it for awhile, but other than that he’s stable.”

Something Sammy said yesterday or the day before flashed in my mind for a moment, but I pushed it aside, as Hunter’s room came into view and Ryan walked in and I followed attentively behind him. Hunter was surrounded by machines, monitoring his heart beat, checking his vitals. In the quiet room the beeping of the machine echoed and I was frozen for a moment replaying the moment Hunter got stabbed. He had his arm in a sling and he seemed so peaceful. I slowly walked over to him, taking his hand and brushing my thumb over his bruised knuckles. He had a lock of hair over his forehead, reminding me of the first time I saw him in the white room. It felt like such a long time ago. A lot has happened since that day. I walked over to the side of his bed and carefully moved it away, freeing his face from the hair, so that I could have the full view.

“Oh Hunter.”

I lowered my head into the crook of his neck and sighed. My fault. It’s all my fault that you’re here. Have I been so long in the woods by myself, that I don’t know how to act around other people anymore? It feels like I’m always messing up somehow and other people are always getting hurt and paying for it.

I heard a gasp coming from the door and lifted my head to look at the tear-streak face of Racheal, Hunter’s mom. She held her hand over her mouth and seemed to be holding back her sobs. She rushed over to his side and began sobbing and smoothing his hair back, kooing in a soft loving voice,

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