Chapter 18

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Hey everyone,

Hope your Christmas was awesome and filled with only the fondest of memories.

I know I said it would be a while till I next upload, but so many of you asked for a new chapter, that I couldn't disappoint. 

And thank you to hikerhorse for making the awesome picture I love it. Thank you so much :D

Hope you enjoy

Ciao ;)



“I don’t care about that slut Cindy. What am I going to do about Snow?”

“Why didn’t you explain to her what happened?”

“I tried, apparently she’s having some… er problems.” I wasn’t sure that Ryan and Damien knew about Snow being a Pure blood and if they didn’t I wasn’t going to tell them.

“Fine, then tell her in the morning. This is nothing you can’t fix. Just let her cool off and then you guys will be back together, like this whole thing never happened.”

Cole was right, I just needed her to cool off then I’ll explain everything tomorrow. She’ll know that I’m not lying, that Cindy and I aren’t together, we’ll be okay. We have to be.


Chapter 18

I was so angry, not just with Hunter, with everything and everyone. It was like I was losing my mind. I struggled to rain in what I could but it was so overwhelming. One minute I wanted to cry, then the next I was  laughing hysterically, at nothing in particular, like a mental person.

After I ran back to mine and Sammy’s room I tried to calm myself down with my sword like I usually would do and it didn’t work. I wolfed out and trashed the room like a freaking rock star on red bull and steroids. I tore up the curtains, sliced clean through the desk; there were even claw marks on the walls. Stuffing was lying all over; I even tore up Sammy’s half of the room. Once I ran out of energy and things to trash I calmed down and changed back to my human form and began crying like a baby. I took a shower and stayed in there for hours sobbing my freaking head off then laughing at everything. Once I had cooled down, I was totally drained and I just crashed on the bed. I woke up the next morning, to hear Hunter demanding to see me

“She needs me Sammy. I’ve got to be with her.”

“I haven’t told her yet.”

“Why? You said you would tell her. It’s fine it’s best if she hears it from me anyway.”

“You don’t understand Hunter, she’s still having problems keeping under control. She could flip any time and you could end up being caught in her power.”

“I can handle it. I need to tell her what really happened.”

I threw open the door and asked him, “What do you want?” I took a good look at him. He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t gotten much sleep. His clothes were rumpled and his hair was a mess. He looked exhausted and totally worn out. He looked behind me and his eyes went wide, “What the hell happened here?” Ignoring his question I asked him again, “What do you want? This isn’t that whores room.”

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