The Big Day

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Today's the wedding! His mom wakes up extra early to make coffee and cook us a good breakfast. Mark and I are a little groggy from last night. But we get up to eat with his mom and when we are finished it was time for Mark to get ready. He is a groomsman and he has to leave an hour and a half before his mother and I. I help Mark fix his hair and tighten his tie and he looks so unbelievably handsome.
"You look..astonishing." My jaw drops when he walks back into the room and I see the finished product. He gives me another cocky smile and spins around in a circle like he's showing off. I jokingly shove his arm and we both laugh. Mark left the room to go show his mother and I decided I would put my dress on. I've been dying to try it on since he brought it to me. I go for the zipper in the back and it doesn't zip up. Oh no! Am I too big for it now? My emotions start to run wild and I almost start to cry.
"Mark!" I call out to him and he comes right away. "I don't fit!" I say sitting down pouting.
"Yes you do." He pulls me back up, turns me around, and he tugs on the zipper a few times then it finally zips up. I turn around and face him and I see his jaw drop and that makes me giggle and blush. "Now you..look astonishing." He admits as he can't take his eyes off me. I look down and see my belly poking out a bit. Yeah I'm definitely showing. Mark looks down at my now showing belly and he smiles really big.
"wow." He says as he fixes his attention back up to my face now.
"Mark! Honey you better get going!" His mother calls out and we both snap out of our daze. He flashes me one last smile before exiting the room.

-time skip to wedding-
Mark's mom and I are sitting on the left side of the aisle in the middle. There are tons of people here. I hope to have a wedding like this one day. It's completely beautiful. It's an outside wedding in a court yard, there's a gorgeous fountain right when you walk in. There's the wedding arch at the end of the aisle that's decorated with twinkling lights and purple and white flowers. The priest is already up there. The pianist starts playing music and the wedding begins. All the bridesmaids and groomsman start walking out, two at a time. Everyone looks so fancy. Mark is the last groomsman to walk out and I can't take my eyes off of him. He is such a beautiful human. Before I know it the bride is walking down the aisle. Her dress is breath taking, it's slim but with a long train. I look over to see the husband to be looking at his bride and tears form in his eyes. I want that. People in the crowd start crying too. Once she gets up there they begin the ceremony. They've both written their own vows and then they say their "I do's"
After the ceremony everyone heads to the reception, it's in this huge room with dim lighting and tons of tables. The people who were part of the wedding got to be dismissed first so I haven't spotted Mark yet. His mom and I found our table and we both sat and made small talk as we both searched for Mark. I spot him over across the room leaning against the bar with a drink in his hand, I excuse myself and tell his mom that I'm going to go get him. I get closer to him and notice a blonde girl twirling her hair and batting her eyes at him. I freeze in my steps. I see her reach over and adjust his tie and wink at him as Mark takes a sip of his drink. That bastard. What the fuck is he doing?! Was last night not good enough? I immediately turn around and run to the restroom holding in my tears until I reach my destination. How could he? I thought. Then it hit me. Why do I care so much? I have feelings for him. Real feelings. I care about him because I have an emotional attachment to him. He obviously doesn't feel the same.
I realize that I've been in here way to long and I wipe my face and head out the restroom back to the table. When I get to the table Mark is there talking and laughing with his mom. I sit down next to him silently and he shoots me a confused look.
"What's wrong?" He mouths quietly. I shake my head no and look away. A few minutes pass and he grabs my hand and leads me into a dark supply closet.
"What are you doing?" I ask baffled.
"Tell me what's wrong with you." Mark demands.
"Fine! You wanna know what's wrong with me! I have feelings for you! And it pisses me off when you're flirting with some random chick! I'm nothing more to you than just your baby momma! Could you at least have some respect for me next time you decide you're going to flirt with someone?!" I yell back in response. Mark just looks at me, in both of my eyes, he moves his head closer to mine slowly, he places his hand gently on the back of my head and rests his thumb on my cheek, and he plants his lips on mine. Sparks fly as he continues to kiss me passionately but sweetly. I melt into a puddle under him. He pulls away from my lips but rests his forehead on mine.
"I have feelings for you too." He admits with a smile on his face as he backs away. "And I know it must have looked bad, but I wasn't flirting with her. I was actually trying to escape." He lets out a small laugh. "Go on a date with me" He says more serious. "When we get back home."
"Okay" I blush and begin to smile uncontrollably.
"Now let me show you off to the world" Mark opens the door to let both of us out.
We walk around talking to everyone when a man comes up to Mark and they hug.
"Hey man! Long time no see!" The man exclaims.
"Oh I know! It's good to see you again." Mark laughs and the man looks over at me. "Oh right, Mackenzie this is Wade, Wade this is Mackenzie."
"Oh so this is her!" Wade pulls me into a small friendly hug.
"Nice to meet you." I reply.
"Yep. This is her" Mark looks over at me with a smile. "Wade has been a good friend of mine since college." He explains and I nod and Wade's phone begins to ring.
"Oh shit. That's Molly. I'll be right back!" He runs off. Music begins to play and everyone makes their way to the dance floor.
"Dance with me madam?" Mark bows and extends his hand. I take his hand and we start slow dancing. His hands are on my waist as my hands rest around the back of his neck.
"Do you think I'll be a good dad?" Mark breaks the silence.
"Of course." I answer confidently and he smiles. "Do you think I'll be a good mom?"
"Of course." He gives me a goofy smile.

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