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-Mark's POV-
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and my hair is pink again. If you couldn't tell, you might want to get your eyes checked. Anyways, the reason I dyed it pink again, is well, if it's not obvious, IT'S A GIRL! Mackenzie and I- we are..we are just so thrilled. And I wanted to make this video to just tell everybody how thankful I am for all the support I've gotten since we've announced the pregnancy. You guys have been so great.." I start to get emotional.. Dammit. "It just really means a lot to me." Pull it together.
"Anyways. We haven't picked out a name yet, but she'll be here in just a few more weeks. Things will be crazy, I haven't figured out how I'm going to keep up with videos so just bare with me. Well I guess I'll stop rambling now, thanks again guys and I will see you- in the next video. BUH BYE!"
I start processing and uploading the video.
Jack is leaving tomorrow morning so I think we're going to go to Disney Land for the rest of the day. Even though Mackenzie can't get on any of the rides she's excited to be going because it'll be her first time.
"THE CAR IS LEAVING IN 30 MINUTES AND IF YOU'RE NOT IN IT, IT WILL LEAVE YOU BEHIND!" Jack yells as he walks through the house. I jump up out of my recording chair and throw on a decent outfit. After I'm ready I go downstairs where everyone is waiting for me.
"Gosh Mark you take longer than my mom to get ready!" Jack complains jokingly making everyone laugh as we walk out to the car. We rented a big van so everyone could fit in it. Matt drives and Ryan sits shotgun, Wade and Jack sit in the very back row, and Mackenzie and I sit in the middle row. Ryan turns on the radio and we all sing along, loudly and obnoxiously.
We pull up to the park and we walk to the entrance and eventually get in.
"Ohhh this is going to be so awesome!" Jack exclaims.
"I say let's ride the tea cups first!" Wade suggests and we all follow him.
"I hope you still have fun even though you won't be able to get on the rides, I promise to take you again when you're able to and when the baby is older." I wrap my arm around Mackenzie. We are further behind than the rest of the group because she waddles now, it's very adorable.
After the teacups we find a directory to figure out where we were going next, and without coming up with a conclusion we started walking around cluelessly. Mackenzie pulls us all into this shop to buy the famous Mickey ear's. She ends up getting the Cinderealla ears, I end up getting the Toy Story ones, and everyone else still is looking.
"OMG IT'S MARKIPLIER AND JACKSEPTICEYE!" I teenage squeal comes from behind us causing Jack and I to stop in our tracks and turn around.
"AHHH!" Another girl screams. All five of them swarm us causing the others to separate.
"JACK I LOVE YOU!" The small one attacks Jack with a hug making him uncomfortable.
"Heh. Thank you thank you." He says trying to get released.
"Markimoo you're so hotter in person!" Another one says and I smile politely.
"Yeah! I call dibs on having your 2nd baby!" The third one exclaims and I'm speechless.
"No! I do! Alecia you know I called dibs since he announced it!" The Burnett hits the other girl.
"Well thank you girls, we really gotta go now.." Jack backs away slowly. The pout and walk away as Jack and I run back to the group. I pull Kenzie into a tight embrace and hold her for a few minutes.
"You have girls lining up to have your next child." She laughs lightly.
"Yeah that's crazy.." I kiss her forehead and we all walk to the next ride.
Five hours of being there and walking around the whole park we all take a seat and eat food.
"God my feet are killing me" Kenzie looks down at her swollen feet. While we all eat fireworks start to go off.
"Dammit we are late." Matt points out, we had planned to go to this other place in the park to get a better view.
"Let's just stay here, I'm too tired to get up." Ryan replies and we all agree.
After the firework show we all hop back in the car and head back to the house.
When we get back to the house everyone goes into their rooms and passes out. Kenzie and I cuddle on the bed with Chica as we watch some YouTube videos.
"Three, I want three kids." I announce as I avoid eye contact but she turns towards me.
"Two." She barters with a smile on her face.
"Maybe." I giggle.
"Hey look, if you want anymore I'm sure there are plenty of fan girls who would love to help you out with that." She laughs and the dimple on her left cheek shows.
"No, that's okay. I only want you to have my babies." I say then freeze. "That sounded really weird but you know what I mean." We both laugh.
"Ouch!" Kenzie's face turns pale and her hand grasps her belly.
"What?! What's wrong?!" I ask panicked and I flip the lamp on.
"Contractions, I think I'm having a contraction!" She lays there with both her eyes sealed shut.
"Do we need to go to the hospital?!" I hop out of bed at the sign of her head nod and start packing a bag for us.
"Hurry!" She yells. I pack the last few things and help her out of bed.
"ITS TIME GUYS!" I yell as we walk through the hall and bang on their doors. They all come out with sleepy eyes.
"Whoo Ray! Let's go have this baby!" Jack exclaims.
"What about your flight?" Ryan asks.
"I'll book a new one!" Jack pats my back and helps us to the car. "Call us when to come." Jack suggests and I nod as I pull out of the drive way.
"Hello?" My mom's voice was quiet and weak probably because she was asleep.
"Hey mom. I'm on the way to the hospital with Mackenzie. She started having contractions. Her water hasn't broke yet so we are going to go find out that's going on." I announce giving Kenzie a sympathetic look as she groans in pain.
"Oh goodness! I'll start looking for flight tickets. Let me know what the doctor says! I can't believe my baby boy is going to be a father." Her voice cracks.
"Oh mom. I love you. Get here soon. I'll call you later. Love you." I hung up the phone and tried to drive faster but also safe.
When we arrive the nurse rushes out with a wheelchair to wheel in Kenzie while I hurry and park. I grab all the bags and run in after her.
Once in the room I help her change into the hospital gown and help her get as comfortable in the bed.
"How far apart are the contractions?" The doctor asks and I look confused, I had not been keeping track.
"4 minutes. But my water hasn't broke." Mackenzie speaks up.
"Alright well you're definitely in labor. What we will do is break your water and check how many centimeters  you are." The doctor ushers her to put her knees up. I stay up by her head and try to comfort her. I rub my fingers thru her hair give her a warm smile.
"Alright so you're only about 2 centimeters  dilated, so we're not quite there yet. I'll come back in an hour to check up on you.
The doctor leaves the room leaving Mackenzie and I in silence. I decide to turn the tv on.
"I'm gunna call my mom back." I kiss her head and step out of the door. After catching her up on everything she told me she found a flight and would be here in about 6 hours. Hopefully the baby will be born by then. She also suggest me to tell Kenzie to get some rest before things get crazy. After I hung up the phone I walked in the room in the middle of her having a contraction.
"Baby you should try to get some rest..."
"I can't! How am I supposed to rest! Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" She squeezes my hand in pain.
I sit down next to her in the hospital bed and wrap my arm around her after the contraction was done.
"I'm scared. And excited. And in pain. I just want her to come out." She rests her sweaty head on my shoulder.
"I know sweetheart.. It won't be long.."
An hour went by and I guess I fell back asleep because I woke up to the doctor coming in and my phone had been buzzing.
"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked Kenzie as she winced in pain. "Stupid question. Let me take a look to see if you've dilated anymore." We both nod and I check my phone to see that my mom had called.
"Looks like you're about 5 centimeters. Now have you made your mind up about getting an epidural?"
"Yes! Please! Now!" Kenzie cries out.
"Alrighty then I'll get the team to come in shortly." He exits the room and I feel a bit of relief knowing that she won't be in as much pain any longer.
"Hey son, I just wanted to let you know that I found an earlier flight and that I'm on the way!" I play the voicemail my mom left me. I call the guys and let them know what's going on. They were all up by now and said they'd be on the way.
"Mark I'm hungry." Kenzie wines. She can't even drink water at the point.
"Not too much longer babe.." I kiss her cheek and my stomach makes a loud rumbling noise. "I guess I am too. But I won't eat til you can.."
"No Mark you should eat. I'll be fine. Just promise to get me a big juicy burger when I'm able to eat." She puts her messy hair into an even messier bun. Her make up was smeared but she was still beautiful.
"I promise."
About 30 minutes later Ryan,Matt,Jack, and Wade arrived to the hospital and came to the room.
"Uh hey guys." Wade quietly says.
"Hey" we both say in unison.
"Will someone take Mark to go get some food. He's refusing to eat." She gave me an evil glare as I had begun to protest.
"Come on Mark." Sean ushered me to follow.
"But what if something happens while I'm gone?" I go over to her and kiss her head worried.
"Nothing will happen. Just go get some food in you." She demanded and I finally caved in and left.

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