She's here!

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-Mackenize's POV-
Mark finally left to go grab some food. After about 10 more minutes of on and off contractions the nurses came in to do my epidural. The needle hurt like a bitch, right next to my spine. I cried in pain but once they were done and I could lay down I was fine. Before I knew it I couldn't move my legs. I flipped through the channels to eventually come across SpongeBob, one of my old favorite cartoons. About an hour later all the guys came back quieting down upon entering the room.
"Hey honey." Mark sweetly places a kiss onto my head.
"Hey" I smile up at him. The guys all sit around me in various chairs.
"Really sponge bob?" Matt laughs.
"Hey don't judge the yellow fella!" Jack playfully punches his arm.
"Oh by the way my mom should be here in an hour or so.." Mark sits down next to me on the bed so I can rest my head on his shoulder.
After about 40 minutes the doctor come in again to check to see if I'm dilated enough, so all the guys except Mark leave.
"Alright you're at about 9 so let's go ahead and get you prepped for pushing!" He announces and both mine and Mark's jaw drops for a second in disbelief that this was actually happening.
"I'm so excited! I can't wait to see her!" Mark shouts. He goes to tell the guys and they come in to wish us luck before heading to the waiting room.
All the nurses come in and they get everything ready.
"Mom texted she's in the waiting room." Mark stood next to me freaking out.
"Alright you're at 10, let's start pushing!" The doctor demands. I can still feel when my stomach tightens so they told me whenever I feel a contractions that's when I need to push. So I feel one coming and I start pushing. I grab Mark's hand and squeeze it as tightly as I can not really caring if I break it at this point, I'm just ready to get this baby out of me.
"Good good, you're doing good!" One of the nurses encourages me.
"Alright here comes the next one. And push." The doctor says.
"AAH" I yell trying to push as hard as I can.
"You're doing wonderful baby." Mark has his phone out prepared to take pictures.
"Okay okay, one good push, I can see the head." He says and that motivates me to do the biggest final push.
"OOH FUCK!" I yell louder than I wanted. And I start panting then I hear cries. A baby's cry. And tears fall down my face.
"8 lbs 8 oz! 21 inches!" The doctor exclaims. They take the baby to the cleaning station and start hitting the back trying to get the fluid out of her lungs. Mark runs over there to take a few photos and videos and I can see a smile on his face along with tears falling. They wrap her up in a blanket and hand her to Mark. All the nurses say congratulations as they start to get cleaned up. Mark walks over to me with the most tiniest, beautiful bundle of joy that's ours. I can't sit up yet so Mark leaned down to my level so I could get a good luck.
"She's.. She's perfect.. Mark chuckled as a tear fell down his face. "Here" he gently places the baby on my chest and I hold her for the first time in my arms. Her tiny nose crinkles and her little hands try to escape the blanket but I try to keep them tucked so she doesn't get cold.
"I love you Mackenzie Hayes, so damn much." Mark chokes on his tears making me start to cry. "And I love her. I love both of you more than anything on this earth." He kisses my cheek and her forehead.
"I love you too Mark. Have you thought of any names?" I wandered as I looked down at her.
"I like Riley.." Mark says. Looking at her with a smile.
"I like Riley too. Maybe she'll be a little gamer tom-girl like I was. And if not. She'll still be perfect." I hold her to my chest and comfort her. "What about Jade? As a middle name?" I suggest.
"And we can call her RJ as a cute nickname!" He says enthused. "Riley Jade Fischbach" he says with a huge glowing smile on his face. We agreed that before he went to go get the others that I would try breast feeding. We tried for 30 minutes but she wouldn't latch on. So they gave me a bottle and told me to just keep trying. Mark texted everyone and told them to come back as he rocked Riley while feeding her. I couldn't take my eyes off them. They were my world.
His mom was the first to enter the room. She tip toed over to Mark and got a good glance at her new granddaughter and tears of joy came out of her eyes.
"Oh Mark she's gorgeous. She has your nose son. The Fischbach nose." Mark hands the baby to his mother and she holds her very gently. The rest of the guys trickle in silently all getting glimpses of her. They pass the baby around so everyone can get to see her and take pictures of her. Then they give her back to me and I study her for as long as I can before Mark wants to hold her again. After a few hours of visiting us the guys decide to head home for the night and Mark's mom left for her hotel. Mark had put Riley in the hospital crib so that we could all get some rest. That is, until the baby started crying. I pulled the crib close to me and picked her up, she didn't seem to wake Mark. I assumed she was hungry again so I tried breast feeding. And to my surprise she latched. I was so thrilled I wanted to wake Mark but decided to let him sleep. I sang to her and ran my fingers through her dark hair. She was precious. When she was done I held her for a while before putting her back in the crib so that I could try to get some rest myself. It had been a very long day. An hour and a half passes by and I'm woken by baby cries.
"Oh sh sh what is it baby?" I tiredly say as I hold her. I noticed a smell coming from her diaper. How could such a small thing produce such a nasty smell? I realized the diapers were on the other side of the room. I still wasn't able to get up and walk yet, but hopefully by the morning I'll be more mobile.
"Mark." I call but he doesn't budge. He was sleeping on what seemed to be an uncomfortable chair with his legs propped up on the ottoman. Riley continued to cry and I try to console her at the same time.
"Yeah I know baby girl. We gotta wake up daddy." I say and my heart skips a beat. "Mark please wake up." I beg because I know being in a shitty diaper probably isn't fun. He jolts awake with a very confused face as if he had forgotten where he was. I hate when that happens to me. He immediately comes over to me when he comes to the realization. "does daddy want to change the first poopy diaper?" I ask and he laughs.
"Sure." He goes and grabs everything he needs. He cleans up the baby and throws the old one away but he has a really hard time on putting the clean one on. "How the hell do you get this thing on?!" He keeps trying but fails. Riley starts crying probably because she is cold. I hit the 'nurse' button to come assist Mark. When she gets in there she shows him how to do it in literally 5 seconds.
"..well.. I'm still new at this" he claims defensive.
"I know babe." I say supportive. He swaddles her up again and takes her to the rocking chair.
"I can't wait to take you home and show you your new house, and your new crib, and all your new clothes mommy bought for you. And I can't wait until you meet Chica! Aw Chica's going to love you!" Mark starts jibber jabbering adorably and I drift off to sleep.
The whole night consisted of getting up and going back to sleep. I mean they never said parenthood was easy, right? Mark's mom said she would bring us breakfast from McDonalds and I am so excited for that. Both Mark and I get up at the same time and I can finally walk around, slowly, but it's progress. We both walk over to the shower then we realize that only one of us can shower.
"You go ahead hun" he says gesturing the bathroom door open.
"Thank you" I oblige and shower all the birth off of me.

-Mark's POV-
My mother arrives bright and early to see the baby and while she holds her I begin to eat my chicken biscuit.
"She's so beautiful."
"I know. She's perfect." I give my mom a warm smile before taking another bite. Mackenzie shortly joins us after showering, she has changed into normal clothes. The doctor said that we could possible go home today if everything looks good.

-time skip 3 hours-
The guys texted and said that they would be on the way. It's really sweet that Sean and Wade stayed a few extra days to be here for this.
*knock knock*
"Good afternoon everyone, how are you feeling?" The doctor walks over with his chart to Mackenzie.
"I'm feeling great." She says with a smile.
"Good good. And how was Riley's first night. I heard there was a diaper incident." He says and looks at me. Both Kenzie and I begin to laugh and try to explain that we've figured it out.
"Alright, well we've got all your paperwork processed are you guys ready to take her home?"
"Yes!" We both say in unison.
"Haha, well alright I'll get your discharge papers and send you on your way." He nods his head as he leaves the room.
I text the guys and tell them to turn around and head home cause we'll be there shortly.
I start packing everything up in the bags while Kenzie puts on Riley's outfit.

-time skip to home-
We have finally made it to the homeland! And I can't wait to make a video with Riley and show the world how adorable she is.  I take her around the house and give her the grand tour while Chica follows close behind.
"Oh Chica girl. Lay down. Lay down girl." I kneel down and her eye level and she wags her tail. "Good girl Chica. This is Riley. The new baby, but don't worry you'll always be my baby too. You guys are going to have so much fun running around the house." Chica stands up for a better look and starts wagging her tail faster, I think she approves.
A few hours go by after I made a video letting everyone that the baby was here and that videos would be randomly uploaded. I decided I would wait to introduce Riley just for a couple more days. After it uploaded I walked in the bedroom to find Kenzie and Riley on the bed sleeping peacefully. It made my heart melt. I didn't think it was possible to love two people with all of my soul.

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