What is it

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Mark's POV
TODAY WE FIND OUT THE GENDER OF THE BABY. We wake up extra early to get dressed. I wear my pink graphic tee and Mackenzie is wearing a blue sun dress. I call my mom and tell her that we were about to head to the doctor's office. She's sounded really enthused. The whole car ride there we talked about what we thought the baby would look like.
"They will definitely have your dark brown eyes." Mackenzie says poking my cheek.
"I hope the baby has your smile." I sincerely say and she smiles really big.
"No..I'd want our baby to have your smile." She admits looking over at me.
We get to the hospital and it feels like it's been forever since we were last here.
"Are we excited?!" The doctor asks as she comes into the room.
"YES!" We both exclaim.
"Alright then let's see what we have in here." The doctor lifts Mackenzie's dress up and squirts the good on her stomach. She places the grey thing on her stomach and we all direct our attention to the monitor. Wow, the baby has gotten bigger.
"Alright let's see, hmm. I'm trying to get a good angle here" she says as she moves around the grey thing. "Ah, here it is." Both Mackenzie and I share a glance before looking back. "Looks like we have a baby girl." The doctor announces.
"Yes!" I shout. I kiss Mackenzie's head and she gives me a comforting smile.
"A baby girl, huh?" She says as she looks at the monitor. "I can get used to that. Pink clothes, pink crib, pink room, pink everything." We both chuckle at all the pink stuff we'll have to buy.
After our appointment Mackenzie went out to go shopping for some baby clothes and after I called everyone in my phone book I decided I would dye my hair pink in celebration. And I had another surprise I wanted to show Mackenzie.

Mackenzie's POV
I go into this little baby boutique and I'm in heaven. There's so many cute little outfits. I found this adorable little white dress with a matching bow. How small and cute. I end up buying more than I thought I would but we need it. Clothes, toys, diapers, wipes, and much more things I'm not even sure the name of. I load everything into the car and drive back to the house.
When I get to the house I carry a few things inside but I'll need Mark's help to get the rest. I couldn't find him downstairs so I went up to the bedroom. I heard Mark groan as I got closer to the door.
"Mark?" I open up the door to find a newly pink haired man, Sean, Wade, Matt, Ryan and Chica attempting to build what looks like a crib. "Oh my god.." I say as I drop the bags on the floor.
"Oh fuck. You're home earlier than I thought you'd be, this was supposed to be a surprise." Mark stands up and the rest of the guys moved away from it. The crib is dark and wooden and everything I would have ever dreamed of.
"This is so sweet..." I try not to cry and bring everyone in for a group hug.
"Aw you're welcome Kenzie!" Sean says as he comes into the hug.
"Yeah, we all want you both to know that we're looking forward to meeting her. And that we're all going to help out." Wade says and it makes me smile really big.
"Maybe not with the stinky diapers, but yeah, we're all here for you guys" Ryan says as he lightly punches Mark's arm and everyone chuckles.
"You guys are the best" Mark hugs everyone again and they all get back to work putting the crib together but Mark stays behind.
"What did you get from the store?" He asks grabbing the bags off the floor. I pull out the cute small white dress and Mark's face blushes pink.
"It's so cute and small! Look at this!" He takes the dress over to the guys and show them and they all laugh at how tiny it is. Mark returns to the bed where all the bags are and starts looking at all the outfits I bought.
"I like your pink hair" I stand on my tippy toes and run my hands through it.
"Thank you, I thought this might be a fun way to reveal the gender to the world." He places both his hands on my belly and he has a huge grin on his face.  "Only few weeks left.." He announces as he rubs my enormous belly. He kisses my head and goes to help the guys finish up with the crib.
When it's all put together they move it to the wall, next to the door that leads into the bathroom. The blanket it pink with purple and yellow butterflies on it. The guys stay around and joke for a bit before exiting the room, leaving Mark and I alone.
"I can't thank you enough." I turn to Mark as he sits on the bed looking at the crib proudly.
"We don't have it all figured out yet, and that's okay, but one day we will." He reassured me and that meant everything to me.

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