[a/n: ^ that's mae the main character by the way. in the story she's 17 okok?]
I was sitting around watching gossip girl when i ended up getting a text from a number i didn't seem to recognize. Quickly unlocking my phone I read the text.
Text Message from 904-657-8397:
HEY MAE DID YOU SEE IT OH MY GOD.Text Message from 904-657-8397:
CHECK 5SOS TWITTER GOOIt was one of my internet friends Alain, we got into a fight awhile ago and I never put her number back in. I got off Netflix and went on Twitter to their account, to look at there recent tweet.
My jaw dropped.
"holy fuck". I whispered and quickly texted Alain back.
Text Message to 904-657-8397:
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THIS IS INSANE5sos had put up a contest to meet and spend a week with them, all we had to do was take a quiz and they'd choose from one of the 100's. they'd announce the winner in a week.
Text message from 904-657-8397:
YOU HAVE TO ENTER YOU KNOW THEM BETTER THAN ANYONE I KNOW.I did know them pretty well. I shrugged and decided to give it a shot even though I know I wasn't going to win anything. The quiz was 25 questions.
In about 5-10 minutes I finished the quiz, I was waiting for the loading screen to show my score.
While I waited I opened snapchat and took a video of the loading screen and near the middle it loaded.
Congrats you scored 100%!
I screamed and jumped around of joy but quickly stopped because it was 3am and I didn't want to wake anyone up.
I posted it to my story and quickly got a text message from Alain.
Text Message From Alain:
OMG YOUR STORY CONGRATS BOO I REALLY HOPE YOU WIN I GOT A 97%I laughed at her text. No way was I out of the whole fanbase and all the 100%'s was I going to win.
A/N:First Chapter. I hope y'all like it and I should hopefully be posting daily or so I'm not sure yet. This is really shitty but little bit of foreshadowing ;)
Love you Guys.