[4] You Raise Me Up (Human!Bill)

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So this one is a bit more family oriented. This is basically about how much I wish I had a family like the Pines family. This tradition I'm going to mention is something my school has done for, like, forever...

So the love in here will be more family love and less romance love. Just a heads up.

Also, I guess Bill is a human and somehow goes to high school? Don't question it, the backstory isn't important XD

Reader is in choir

Reader is 18

Reader will be wearing a sundress that isn't black (I really wish I didn't I've to warn people about this XD)

Reader will be wearing a sundress that isn't black (I really wish I didn't I've to warn people about this XD)

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I tried to make it feminine but not girly...I don't know. This is what I imagine.

Touchy-ish subject- emotional abuse from mother MENTIONED

Word count: 1180


You bit your lip, adjusting the skirt of your sundress anxiously. You were on the risers set up in the gym, looking at the folding tables set up around the floor. Your mother sit at a table about three rows back, a firm scowl on her face as she scanned the risers for you. Once she found you, you couldn't help but notice how her eyes seemed to bore into your soul with a certain kind of disappointment that you hated. The nervous grin you had plastered to your face slowly became more and more fake before you gave up and stopped smiling completely.

In the back of the gym, you saw arms waving furiously. The person began jumping up and down happily. She was slightly taller than when you last saw her two years ago. Her brown hair was still long and she wore it in a ponytail, but instead of her usual bright skirts, she wore a denim one with white leggings. Her sweater was gone, too, but her shirt was embroidered with a heart (if you had been closer, you would have seen that it was a cluster of cats in a heart shape) and bedazzled on the sleeves.

Mabel grinned, revealing that she still had braces, and gave you a thumbs up. Your grin found its way back to your face- the twins got out of school the week before, and you completely forgot! Dipper, in jeans, a red shirt, and Wendy's hat, put a hand on Mabel's shoulder, waved to you, and slowly guided her back down. Stan and Ford we sitting next to them, smiling, and standing behind them was Bill.

His arms were crossed and the shadow covered his face, but you could tell he wasn't upset. In fact, he had been excited to go to your last choir concert ever, talking to you about it every time he could. You tried to cut down on those chances to mention it, though. The thought of never being part of the choir kind of tore your soul into a million pieces. But you couldn't be happier that he was here, along with the rest of the Pines.

Your choir teacher started playing the intro to "You Raise Me Up." It was a school tradition to sing that song at the last concert. The seniors would be given a rose by their underclassman of choice, then hand that rose to their family. After that, they would help an upcoming freshman into their choir robe for the first time, then join the choir to sing with the group for the last time.

Before you knew it, your name was called.

(B/f/n), a junior smiled at you, handing you your red rose gingerly. Then she hugged you tightly, sniffing quietly. "Don't cry over me," You whispered, hugging her back. She nodded and pulled away, tears in her eyes.

Very slowly, you made your way to your mother. She wasn't even pretending to smile. You knew she hated your guts and didn't want to be here, but it still hurt that she was treating you this way. After 18 years of calling you horrible names and ruining any confidence you had in yourself, she couldn't even pretend to look happy for you?

You began trembling as you walked past her table.

Instead, you made a beeline for the Pines. By the time you got there, Stan had to grab your elbows in fear of you falling over from your gallery shaking. "What's you doing, kid?" He asked quietly.

"Th-they told me to give this to my family," You stammered. Almost awkwardly, you thrust the rose out to him. "So, here."

Stan stared at rise for a moment, gingerly set it on the table, and gave you a tight hug. Dipper, Mabel, and Ford joined in, and you almost started crying right then and there. You didn't, though, and grinned as they let go.

"You better get to the robing before the song ends," Bill pointed out, embracing you quickly and planting a kiss on your forehead. You nodded.

"See you after," You told them, walking to your freshman. You ignored the glare your mother sent your way as you passed and grabbed the robe your teacher's wife handed you. Your freshman was a shirt, skinny girl with insanely long, messy hair, big eyes, and glasses. She was very timid as you slid the robe over her arms and helped her zip and button it. Before you left, you wrapped her up in a hug and bent to whisper in her ear.

"I'm trusting you with the best friends and most talented people I've ever met," You told her, glancing at the group. "Never take them for granted, okay? Now give them hell for me."

You stepped onstage and took a deep, shaky breath. There was no way you were going home tonight- Mabel was going to be ecstatic to have a sleepover with you. In fact, your mother was leaving already. For once, it didn't hurt. You wanted her to leave. You had enough of dealing with all of the shit she put you through.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out," You muttered. Then you returned your attention to your real family. Mabel was admiring the rose while the others grinned at you, and you loved the light, airy, happy feeling you had. If it weren't for Bill, there's no way you'd have them in your life.

The last senior climbed to their spot in the risers. So many people were crying already, but together, as a group, as friends, as a family, everybody took a unified breath and began to sing.

When I am down and, oh, my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up to more than I can be.

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