Chapter Three: If You Won't Do It, I Will

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"More...I need more." Pierre demanded.

Dominique placed her hand on Pierre's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "You'll get more...when I get more."

Pierre inhaled slowly as him and Dominique both gazed up at the sky. "Forgive us, Father, for we have sinned."

Pierre Leroy & Dominique Holt

Having only resided in Bricksben for 6 months, Pierre was known very well. It might've had to do with his French accent. For some reason, nearly everyone, in Bricksben, was fascinated by the way he spoke. The way he rolled his R's could make any girl fall for him, but that didn't mean every girl would.

Pierre wasn't aware of how casual people dressed in America. He always wore something prep-like, therefore, increasing the amount of people that stared at him.

He began attending Bricksben Church about 3 months prior to his move. He then met Dominique Holt. He had no idea how close they would become within those few months, but they were inseparable.

Dominique would always reserve a seat, at the church, for Pierre and her. Right before each service started, she would bring him a different colored rubber band to wear around his wrist. She knew she would eventually run out of colors, but she had a backup plan.

"Don't even worry my Sweet Pierre. Once I run out of colors, we can start mixing them. Endless shades of each color." She smiled at Pierre.

"Extraordinary." Pierre laughed.

They met up every day after school to finish up their studies, and would then read over their favorite bible verses together. At times, Dominique's parents became concerned with how much time they spent together. They were very protective of their daughter and did not want her to end up making any sinful mistakes with Pierre.

"Pierre? It's getting late." It was 7pm. "Do you need a ride home?" Dominique's mother, Shana, asked.

"Yes. Thanks Mrs. Holt." Pierre respectfully responded.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, my Sweet Pierre?" Dominique lightly waved.

As soon as Pierre was dropped off at his house, he walked over a stone pathway leading to his front door. Before he could make it to his front porch, he heard a mumbling sound. It was coming from next door.

"--I will never forgive you for this!" It was Azer yelling at Irene, moments after the fire. Pierre hadn't heard about the fire until the next day.

As Azer fled Irene's front porch, Pierre remained silent and watched Irene. She began sobbing. Pierre slowly approached her. "Irene?..."

She looked up at him--quickly wiping her tears away. "Oh. Hey, Pierre. I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

Pierre got down on one knee and placed his arm around her. "Hey...what's wrong? Why was Azer yelling at you like that?" He curiously asked.

"Oh--it was nothing. He was just upset because I accidentally crashed his car." Irene lied.

"Well--for whatever...he shouldn't have made you cry." Pierre said sympathetically.

"It's alright, Pierre. I am just upset right now, but I'll be fine. Thanks." Irene said as she got up and smiled.

"If you ever need to talk to someone, I am literally one house down." Pierre said with a smirk.

"Thanks again, Pierre." Irene thanked him as he walked into his house.

Irene got a phone call and immediately wiped the fake smirk off her face as she answered it. "I want him gone. You hear me?" She said in anger and hung up.

"So, tell me again why you forgot to call me after you got home last night?" Dominique asked Pierre with one eyebrow raised.

"I just got caught up talking with Irene--that's all." Pierre said as they walked down the hallway.

"You heard about the fire last night didn't you?" Dominique asked Pierre. "So you can imagine how crazy I got when you didn't answer your phone." She said in a worried tone.

"I am so sorry Dominique. I didn't find out about the fire until this morning on the news. I should've called you." Pierre apologized.

"Let's just try and not make me have a heart attack next time. Okay?" She said as she laughed.

Pierre noticed Azer walking down the hallway. "How well do you know Azer?" He asked Dominique worryingly.

"Not well enough to know his last name." She smiled. "Why?"

Pierre stopped and stood in front of Dominique. "I heard him yelling at Irene last night. He made her cry."

"What? Do you know why?" Dominique asked in confusion.

"Apparently, she accidentally crashed his car or something. Well, at least that's what she told me." Pierre said not sounding convinced.

Dominique looked around to see if anyone had been watching them. She whispered. "Look I know we aren't supposed to Gossip and all, but he was probably yelling at her because they used to date and he hasn't gotten over it."

"And how do you know this?" Pierre asked uncomfortably.

"I saw them once, at the movie theatre. They were on a date and I was sitting right behind them. Due to my super sneaky skills, they didn't notice me. Here's the weird part. As soon as Irene leaned in for a kiss--Azer turned the other way and left her hanging." Dominique said in disappointment.

"I know we are sort of religious and all, but if he could yell at her the way he did and not show her affection at all--he seems off." Pierre said cautiously.

"Maybe he plays for the Angels, and not the Dodgers? If you know what I mean." She said as she raised one eyebrow.

"Alright, c'mon. What kind of testimony are we gonna be giving off, if somebody hears us gossiping about another church member?" Pierre pulled Dominique's arm as they walked to class.

A month had passed since then. Dominique was waiting for Pierre in the school library, during lunch. She noticed Azer and Sam sitting at the table across from her. She could hear them rambling on about something.

"I couldn't go through with it okay!" Azer exclaimed softly.

"What the hell? Why not? I thought you were serious about this!" Sam said in anger. "Are you forgetting what this girl did to your father? He no longer has a job, and you guys are barely getting by as it is. You have to go back and do it Azer." He demanded.

"I'm not going to Sam. It's over." Azer stood up. "I'll be right back. I need some air." He said as he walked out of the library desperately.

Azer had left his bag on the table and Sam could not take his eyes off of it. Dominique was watching the entire time as Sam dug through Azer's bag and took the pills. "Pills?" Dominique was confused.

Sam quickly rose, and walked out of the library. Dominique let her curiosity get to her and followed him. Keeping her distance, she noticed him pop open Irene's locker. "How the heck does he even know her locker combo?" She mumbled to herself. She noticed he had switched Azer's pills with Irene's meds. She knew how bad this looked and immediately forced herself to forget what she had just witnessed. "Oh my God." She mumbled in shock.

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