Chapter 5

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Anthony woke up, naked, on top of Ian. He was confused at first but then he smiled at the memory of the events that happened in that bed only last night. Anthony slowly gets off of Ian so he doesn't wake him up. Ian looked so adorable when he was sleeping

Anthony kissed the top of Ian's head, smiling softly

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Anthony kissed the top of Ian's head, smiling softly. Anthony walks into the bathroom. He does his business and hops into the shower. He turns up the water to the perfect temperature and relaxes. He turns the water off and hops out, wrapping a towel around his waste and hair. He does his bathroom duties and walks into Ian and Anthony's room. He throws clothes on and he decided to take Ian to their "special place". The place where they both confessed their love for each other. And where they shared their first kiss...Anthony smiled at the memory. "Ian. You make me the happiest man in the world..."


He made me the happiest woman in the world...But he treated me like shit that day four years back. The only way I would ever be that happy again is when I see him suffer. I will kill him off when the time comes, but I will torture him before I do that... He needs to feel the pain I did. I will not rest until he suffers. And then dies... I kept walking in the rain until I found a bar. I hesitated but I walked into the bar. Maybe it's something I need from all the pain. Though nothing will heal these wounds. "Well, well, well... Who have we got here?" I hear the bartender cat call towards me. I sat down at the bar, in front of the cashier's desk. "What would it be for you, miss?" The bartender asked, me looking me up and down, especially at my chest. I ignored it. "Just a beer." I ordered. "Is that it for ya'?" The bartender asked, preparing to make my beer. "No, that's it." I replied, picking my finger at the wooden table. "Y'know. I'm looking for a date." The bartender said, handing me the beer. "Okay?" I asked. "Would you like to-?" "No." I glared at him. "A-Are you sure?" The bartender asked. "I don't date anyone I met two seconds ago, thank you." I replied, getting off the stool. He's probably just drunk. I mean who does that? "Okay, but if you change your mind, here's my number." The bartender gave me a slip of paper with an illegible phone number on it. "Thanks, I guess..." I said, walking out the door. When I get outside I just crumple up the slip of paper. I chug the last bit of beer and throw it away. I hop into my car, and drive so I can find where I could stay the night.


"Come on Anthony, tell me where were going?!" Ian complained as Anthony was driving out of town. "I told you. It's a surprise!" Anthony laughed. "Can I at least get a hint?" Ian asked. "Okay." Anthony said, stopping the car. "Are we here?" Ian asked. "Nope. I'm giving you your hint." Anthony said, reaching back and kissing Ian passionately. "What kind of hunt was that?" Ian asked after the kiss was over. "You'll see." Anthony told Ian, turning back to the front driving once again. "How can a kiss be a hint?" Ian asked. Anthony chuckled. "Like I said, you'll see." Ian groaned over exaggerated. "Fine." Anthony laughed. "Don't worry. We'll get there soon."


"Is this-Is this?" "Yes it is Ian bear. It's where I took you on our very first date." Anthony answered Ian, who's staring at the tall building, jaw almost touching the ground. "And the place where we shared our first kiss." Anthony added. He saw Ian's eyes tearing up. "This is-This is beautiful Anthony!" Ian hugged Anthony tightly. "Thank you Anthoni!" Ian exclaimed. "No problem, babe." Anthony smiled. "Now let's go inside, shall we?" Anthony said, grabbing Ian's hand. "We shall." Ian smiled back. Anthony leads Ian into the building. They heard the familiar scent of Mexican food and Mexican music. Tito's Tacos was Ian's favorite Mexican restaurant and possibly his favorite restaurant of them all.

"So, do you like it?" Anthony asked. "Anthony. I-I love it!" Ian answered. "Hola, hablas español?" A man behind a counter asked. "No we speak English." Anthony answered. "Oh, okay. Follow me and I'll show you your table." The waiter told Ian and Anthony, gesturing to follow him. Ian and Anthony followed and they got their table number. "I will be right back to place your order, okay?" The waiter told the couple. "Okay." Ian said, picking up his menu. "So, any ideas?" Anthony asked. "Hmm. The beef and bean burrito looks nice. It also comes with cheese and rice." Ian answered, looking up and down the menu. "Whatever you want babe. It's your day." Anthony said. Ian blushed. "Anthony you literally took me to the movies yesterday. Not everyday is my day." Ian said. "It is in my book." Ian blushed even darker. "But I want to treat you with something." Ian said. "Okay, okay. But since tomorrow is our next video shoot, how about this Saturday? We have the day off." Anthony suggested. "That sounds good to me." Ian beamed at Anthony. "Are you two gentlemen ready to order?" The same waiter asked us. "Yeah, we'd like to split the beef and bean burrito and just waters." Anthony gave the waiter their menus. "Alright, you're order will be ready soon." The waiter said, walking off.

"So, what time is our video shoot?"


The food came to Ian and Anthony about half an hour later. "Thank you for eating at Tito's Tacos!" One of the cooks said to Ian and Anthony. After the cooks left, Ian took a bite out of his burrito. "This is really good!" Ian complimented. Anthony took a bite too. "Yeah it is." Anthony agreed. After Ian and Anthony finished the food and they payed they walked out to the car. "Thank you so much for today, Anthony!" Ian said, hugging Anthony tightly. "Of course, Ian." Anthony smiled. They heard a deep boom from somewhere in the distance, then rain started to pour down on them. "Damnit." Ian muttered. "We should get in the car." Ian said. But Anthony took advantage of this situation. Anthony grabbed Ian's cheek. Ian's eyes were really beautiful in the rain. Anthony thought in his head. Anthony then slowly brought his face closer to Ian's. Anthony brought his lips to Ian's and they kissed. Not roughly or harsh, but a beautiful passionate kiss. And they stood that way for awhile.

A/N UPDATEEEE YAYYY! I'm usually the worst updater in history but for some reason I keep getting motivated to update. Who knew. So hope you enjoyed that chapter! Tell me any spelling or grammer errors and how I can improve this story! So I'll see you on Monday! BAIIII

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