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"I wanna get back to where we started, to the summer n i g h t"

Hailee had woken up 10 hours after she had burst into a waterfall of tears into Bryana's arms. She felt so drained and in loss of vitality as she attempted to get out of bed to the restroom and cleanse her face. She then plopped back onto her bed and stuck her face in between 2 pillows, groaning.

She looked over her messy bed sheets and saw Bryana asleep on the floor. It was no surprise since she had come over to her apartment at 1 am and brought her a box of cereal. She reflected back to what had happened after she had lost control of her emotions and sobbed until she felt that she couldn't cry anymore.

All because of a stupid dream. To her, it wasn't even a dream — it was a nightmare. It was a nightmare that wouldn't go away no matter how hard she tried; a nightmare that held a tight grasp on her happiness and sanity, making it hard to reach.

Just thinking about the breakup made her feel like her beating heart was being ripped out from her throat. It was mostly because she had no idea what she had done wrong to make him want to end it between them when they were finally going on the right track. She didn't even know if she was the person at fault for it, which made things even worse for her.

The confusion: she didn't know if she was to blame herself, him, or anybody at all. Then again, that same confusion was the epitome of their various "breakups". Looking back at the entire relationship, she couldn't even call those breakups. They were more like small fragments of time away from each other where they shortly realized that they messed up and that they still loved each other.

Throughout the time of their relationship, Hailee definitely gained learning experience when it came to love. The relationship felt like a neverending maze of twists and turns where you would find yourself stuck on where to go. Luke and Hailee were both young teens that fell in love but didn't really know what they were doing, which was mostly why they both felt as if they were going crazy. In the end, Luke was the one who broke it off, but wasn't exactly the person in the wrong.

In fact, none of them really knew in the end who was in the wrong.


"You want anything, Hails?" Bryana asked as she cracked an egg into a boiling hot pan on the stove.

"No thanks, I have my cereal." Hailee replied as she grabbed the box of Lucky Charms Bryana had bought for her from the pantry.

"Alright, suit yourself," Bryana replied casually as she stirred the egg in her pan.

"What do you wanna do today?" she asked.

"Don't you have a shoot or something today? You know, model stuff?" Hailee asked, munching on another spoonful of her cereal.

"I have a day off today, and wait, don't you have an interview about your EP today?" Bryana said.

"Tomorrow." Hailee corrected.

"Honestly thank god it's tomorrow and not today 'cuz I am not in the mood to be asked "Is the EP written about your ex?" and "How are you feeling after your breakup? Must suck, doesn't it?" Like, I don't want to talk about that fucker anymore, especially when the interview is supposed to be about my career, not my personal life." She continued to ramble on with that topic for a little longer.

"You know, if you want them to stop talking about Lu-" Bryana paused as Hailee piercingly glared at her as she was about to say his name.

"If you want them to stop talking about....that dude...." Bryana corrected herself. Hailee simply nodded in approval and let her continue her sentence.

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